


4 months, 4 days ago



Frequence (or 'Freq', pronounced like the word 'freak' for short) is a band bot. They were made to record and broadcast music made by the Hazard Helicopters. They live in the area called Roartone, the underground sector of Lathview. Freq has the base knowledge of Ptera OS and they were also trained to have the same street smarts as their creator, making them more hardy when it comes to scams and viruses.


  1. Species ||| Robot
  2. Job ||| Band Manager
  3. Gender ||| Mevirasic
  4. Pronouns ||| They/Them
  5. Age ||| Created 3 years ago.
  6. Orientation ||| Unknown
  7. Height ||| 4'1"
  8. Build ||| Rounded


  1. Strength ||||| ||||||||
  2. Intelligence |||| |||||||
  3. Charisma ||||| ||||||||
  4. Wisdom ||||| ||||||||
  5. Dexterity ||||| ||||||||
  6. Endurance |||| |||||||
  7. Kindness ||||| ||||||||
  8. Patience ||||| ||||||||


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin fermentum auctor ipsum, vitae efficitur ligula commodo id. Suspendisse sit amet quam at sem feugiat luctus. Ut sed tellus eu enim laoreet viverra nec vitae sapien. Pellentesque sit amet risus quam. Vivamus risus nibh, faucibus ac viverra eu, tristique sed justo. Maecenas cursus tellus et augue suscipit fermentum. Donec posuere pretium libero vel elementum. Phasellus volutpat lacinia arcu quis molestie. Maecenas tincidunt mattis sem, quis lacinia quam accumsan ut. Aenean purus sapien, dignissim id aliquam sit amet, vehicula sit amet sapien. Cras non odio venenatis, ultrices dui et, tincidunt metus. Fusce consectetur a quam at interdum.

“They say your head can be a prison. Then these are just conjugal visits. People will dissect us 'til this doesn't mean a thing anymore.”


  1. Their alignment is Lawful Neutral.
  2. Their date of creation is Sept. 3, making them a Virgo.
  3. Though they claim to hate the standard bubbly 'pop', they like all genres of music.
  4. They like to be almost constantly tuned in to either radio or podcasts, though they run them at a low internal volume.
