


4 months, 28 days ago



Gabbro Conglo


49 years old

Dec. 1



CIA agent




Blackgrass Lake (Town)


  • family
  • quiet environments
  • warm weather
  • swimming

  • wasting time
  • mushy foods
  • (making) speeches
  • cold weather

  • snores loudly in his sleep.
  • had a fear of clowns as a kid. overcame it over time.
  • instinctively does the "death roll" in combat. has some self control over this.
  • has PSI (bite force) of ~3500.
  • did volleyball in high school and college years.










  • protective
  • alert
  • versatile
  • tactful

  • cunning
  • secretive
  • stubborn
  • hypocritical

A man with a grouchy demeanor who grumbles about anything. Gabbro is a rather straightfoward individual who always follows an "at-all-cost" attitude, dedicated to fulfilling tasks as his role as a high-ranking CIA agent. While rather remorseless and a high-functioning force on the job, he is an understandable person who still treats peers with respect. Also rather introverted and standoffish, but one just needs to learn how to warm up to him to see he's not that intimidating.

Gabbro seems to be more open when it comes to friends and family, as he still cracks jokes and comments to display some sense of humor. He cares deeply for anyone he is close to and is always reliable when needed. Although not very social, he is willing to listen and and help. Unless it involves something, or someone, he greatly dislikes.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean tristique mollis fringilla. Donec sollicitudin magna non mauris blandit lacinia. Nulla sodales bibendum magna eget molestie.

Sed placerat dolor sem, vel pharetra felis fermentum in. In id ultricies elit. In quis sodales neque. Morbi sodales ullamcorper neque eget tristique.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean tristique mollis fringilla. Donec sollicitudin magna non mauris blandit lacinia. Nulla sodales bibendum magna eget molestie.

Sed placerat dolor sem, vel pharetra felis fermentum in. In id ultricies elit. In quis sodales neque. Morbi sodales ullamcorper neque eget tristique.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean tristique mollis fringilla. Donec sollicitudin magna non mauris blandit lacinia. Nulla sodales bibendum magna eget molestie.

Sed placerat dolor sem, vel pharetra felis fermentum in. In id ultricies elit. In quis sodales neque. Morbi sodales ullamcorper neque eget tristique.


Calls her "Rubes" out of endearment. When he first met Ruby in their earlier adulthood, he was admittedly shy to approach her, but he did consider her cute. He was rather flustered when she first approached him to greet him. They started off as friends while Gabbro had a one-sided crush, but became close over time. He became attracted to her her kind-hearted nature. Ruby eventually caught feelings and the two began to date. They eventually married and settled since then. He is madly in love with his wife.

Cobalt Conglo Daughter

He is very proud of Cobalt and what she grew up to become. He enjoyed every moment of raising her and both are a close pair. She was usually trouble as a child from her rambunctious behavior, and found herself in weird situations and made him question how children are capable of doing certain things (swallowing a doll whole, for instance) but she has a good heart. However, he seems to be protective of Cobalt- especially as a father and not wanting her to be taken advantage of. He feels at fault in some cases where Cobalt experienced a downfall, such as the harsh reality of her old ex. Even though he knows she will have a good future ahead, sometimes instinct kicks in and she has to assure him she's OK.

Dolomite Conglo Brother (Oldest)

Growing up, Dolomite kept Gabbro in check; feeling it was a duty to watch him, the little brother of the family. Despite the demanor, he was a good brother to Gabbro and supported him- so long as he wasn't being "stupid". A strong role model in Gabbro's life, even to this day. He lost some touch when Dolomite joined the military at 18, but he would have his moments visiting. Something about his strength in charcter inspired Gabbro to join special forces himself, hence one of his motivations behind the CIA. Present day, they keep touch sporadically. But, Dolomite seems to be busy despite his retirement as a soldier. Gabbro and him may have a strong sense of justice, but it seems Dolomite has shifted his reason for fighting. Gabbro also hears of Dolomite's kids, one of them being Arsenic ("Arsie"), who is a niece he is close to.

Slate Conglo Brother (Middle)

Gabbro loves him, but he finds him slightly annoying to this day- and didn't really "love" him when growing up. Slate would tease him a lot when they were kids, as Slate found pleasure in making him annoyed until it led to physical fights. Just brotherly love, but one where they'd butt heads. Slate grew out of the torment eventually. Slate also has periods of being busy and out of reach when he became a famous actor, but still makes time for family and settled down with a wife and quadruplets. Slate's sons are rather close to Cobalt, so he hears from them as well.


  • spikes follow along head, spine and tail.
  • please draw him with his muscular/wide figure.
  • has front row teeth sticking out when jaw is closed, like an actual alligator.
  • has big hands.



SHIPS he loves his wife go away