★ Rox's Comments

I just got a character, Argo, who I hope to start a story around. It'd be based on the lives of him and his friend, the only problem being... I don't have any characters not involved in any lore to have as said friends.I'd also do art for her, in an anthro form, most likely. She'd be a wild one, for sure. Always getting into trouble and letting Argo bail her out. She makes it up to him in odd ways, like bringing him food and eating half of it or bumming on his couch for days and watching movies with him.She'd kill somebody before she'd let them disrespect Argo, regardless. They've known each other for years and their bond is almost sibling-like. They drive each other bonkers, and love every single minute of it!

!! JoySenpai !!
they're all your's; please enjoy

Sorry for not accepting it before! I was just wondering what happened to the transfer?

did it not go through? i’ll send it again!

It keeps saying it's canceled from your end. No idea why, though... Pretty odd, if you ask me.

that's so weird... it just keeps disappearing on my side, let me try again. sorry this is taking so long OTL