(死兆) Sǐ zhào




- A being of many, many names. Sǐ zhào is the one he's known by the most. Depending on who you ask he's also known as; (泣婴) Qì yīng, (河诅) Hé zǔ, (孤龙) Gū lóng among others. Most of the villages that have the misfortune of encountering him have their own names for him
- An ominous, ill-fated god birthed by a river. Zhào's life began as an unwanted child, tossed into the river by his mother shortly after birth out of fear of what it would do to her reputation. The spirit of the river took pity on the child and gave it a new life; reborn as a dragon. However what was reborn was the body and not the soul, and what crawled out of the river was not an auspicious being but one tainted from its very conception
- If you ever get a chance to see his pearl, and you look very very closely inside of it; you'll see form of a child inside of it
- He makes some horrendous, grotesque, nightmarish noises sometimes; which do often include the sounds of a crying child. Hence his occasional name (泣婴) Qì yīng
- Often accompanied by off colored clouds, otherworldly wisps, fog, torrential storms and mists - the weather he brings destroys crops, houses and the like. While the fog like gasses that surround him often bring about illness in those that breathe it in
- His parent river is 金山河 jinshan river; also called the gold mountain river. The source of the river begins from a natural spring in one of the nearby mountains and runs through the continent until it reaches the ocean
- If he's submerged Zhào can still often be seen swimming through the waters mainly via the halo on his back often breaking the surface even if his main body does not
- Typically if there are no disturbances caused by humans in the river that merit his attention, he will swim all the way down the length of the river, end his journey when the fresh water meets the ocean and then fly back to the spring to start his journey once again. The process of him doing this takes roughly three months or so; give or take
- Though he's a harbinger of negativity he rarely leaves his parent river unless there's some great disruption that warrants his aggression. When people try to redirect the river, dam it up, or start polluting it greatly - that is when he comes ashore. There's also the rare instance of people or other beings aggressing upon him, which he has no problem answering.
- The fumes he expels are (aside from illness inducing) ignitable.
- While the banks of his parent river are mostly unoccupied, or abandoned - there are three or four settlements belonging to both cultivators and medicine makers who regularly use the toxins produced by Sǐ zhào. There are also plants that grow specifically in the aftermath of his visits that find their use in both poison and pill-making alike. These groups are perhaps the only people to have some sort of a relationship with the dragon
- Though rare he's been seen a handful of times taking a human form. The reasons behind him doing so or the causes are unknown. In his human form he has a tendency to be just as unnerving as he is in his godly dragon form.
- Many of the plants that grow after his visits onto land are utilized in poisons, paralytics, toxic gasses and many forms of antidotes for the aforementioned and more. Most commonly they grow in the leftover footprints he leaves on land, while the rarest of the plants grow where his tears are said to have fallen
- Though his fumes are flammable, he's not a fire breathing dragon. In fact his skill is to draw in moisture from the air around him and shoot compressed beams of water that at times are powerful enough to cut through stone and steel.
- Though a god of sorts himself, Zhao is not liked in any way whatsoever by other deities. More than once he's been struck by tribulation lightning in an attempt to get rid of him
- Outside of the more unnerving or animalistic noises he's notable for making, hes not known to speak very much. There have been attempts at communication with him especially by the sects that utilize the poisons he produces but the results have been limited. It's actually fairly unknown how much he understands or can communicate given his solitary nature and aversion to people. However as dragons are notably intelligent it's assumed he's simply choosing to remain silent
- Some of the sects he has 'a relationship' with will tell you that he enjoys gentle music, and that on the rare occasion they've been able to lure him with the waters with it.
- Has probably killed many a cultivator that's tried to remove him from his river or slay him for killing the people that he finds disrupt it; however it's rare that anyone disturbs him anymore about such things. Assumedly the beast hunting sects have given up their crusade to kill, and instead push for people to relocate