Amaryllis Cookie



3 months, 10 days ago


Amaryllis Cookie was once part of a search party from a lively kingdom that was looking for their queen, but when disaster struck and the crew went missing in an accident, only he was left behind, injured and with a missing memory. Unsure of who he was and wear she was from, he wandered to the border between the kingdom and Beast Yeast, but when he tried to enter the ravaged land, he was chased out by fairies who said his vibrant appearance would spell danger. Poor Amaryllis Cookie sat on this border and decided to train himself from the ground up to survive, and keep other cookies away from this supposedly dangerous land. he may indeed be vibrant, but he has taught himself to slink into the shadows, readying his bow in silence and shooting piercing arrows faster than the eye can follow. His quick thinking survival skills have become second to none, but the passionate heart that burns under that dough compels his to help others, and that can sometimes lead to trouble. Will he ever remember who he was? Or find what he was looking for? Only time will tell