Annette Filleböck



4 months, 9 days ago


Found lost character, created in 27/1/2022, lost since 2022

found in 17/1/2024!!


Full name: Annette Filleböck

Aliases: Annette, Annette the fox

Species: Fox

Orientation: Straight

Age: 24

Height: 6'1"

Occupation: hotel concierge

From: Zuffenhausen, Stuttgart, Germany

Nationality: German

Current residence: Frankfurt, Germany

Appearance: Annette is a Blue-gray furred fox with dark blue eyes with a light teal underbelly that go all the way to her muzzle. She has long, dark bluish gray hair. Her hairstyle has side swept waves to the right. While on duty, she wears a concierge bellhop uniform. She also appears to have a curvy body too.

Personality: Despite her Sassy looking exterior, she's actually quite innocent. She is shy, sweet, and friendly. As she is also very well mannered too. She is also happy to help others as well, showing a caring side to her personality. she has a clever sense of humour.

She also has a good taste in music and loves classic jazz and jazz fusion. She's not into rave music and modern tunes

Theme: Chet Baker- Moon Love 🏨🛏️🛎️🎶🌛