Nikora Amato



3 months, 14 days ago


Key Information 

Name Nikora Amato
Nickname(s)Niki, Kora, Kori
Gender Female
Species/Race ?
Age 18
DOB July 4th
Height 5'4" / 163cm
Element(s) Fire | Light

Second Bond ?

Equipment ?


Affiliation Points (AP): 000    

Coming off as a very independent, strong, and self confident individual, Nikora is known to be quite stubborn at times even if she doesn’t mean to be. She is an ambitious (if sometimes overly so) lady who bores easily of the mundanity of life, but has gotten stuck in such due to her job. She values honesty even if at times it may be just the harsh truth someone needs to hear, though she tries to tame her words to come off as more pleasant.
Loyal, brave, hard working, and stupidly courageous, most call her crazy for being so driven by what they may consider nothing at all. She just has her own standards of life she wants to enjoy and worries not about what others may think about it.

Abrendese Militia

Dragon Rider 

✖ Level One or Above Dragon 🔗

✖ Established a Den 🔗

✖ Acquired their first Job. 🔗

✖ Acquired their first Familiar. 🔗


Draw a comic or write a story that shows the bond between your Rider and Dragon. What sort of relationship do they have? Are they friends? Coworkers? Family? Frenemies? Comics must be at least five panels long. Written entries must be at least 1500 words. More is always encouraged. Only comics or written entries are accepted.

Dragon Knight 


✖ Completed ten training prompts with their dragon(s).
         🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗

✖  Depicted at least twenty times with their dragon.
         🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗
         🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗

✖ Successfully crafted ten intermediate recipes.
         🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗

✖ Has a current total of 15 Affiliation Points. 🔗

✖ Achieved Master rank in a Job. 🔗

✖ Won first place in five Challenge entries.
         🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 

✖ At least one Party occurred in their Den. 🔗

✖ Completed seven unique Den prompts in their own Den .
         🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 

✖ Acquired five familiars.
         🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗

✖ Dragon has unlocked Tier Four of magic. 🔗

✖ One or more dragons is in a pair bond. 🔗

✖ Received a Job promotion in multiple jobs. 🔗


Draw a comic or write a story that shows your Rider impressing the Elemental Ancestor dragon of one of their specialties. Ancestors are living incarnations of their element—Fire is made entirely of flame, Metal is completely metal, Ocean is completely liquid…you get the picture. They take the form of a dragon with the base physical traits of that element. Each Ancestor highly values certain character traits in Riders. Show your Rider demonstrating this character trait in one form or another to the Elemental Ancestor. How the Ancestor appears and their role in the story is up to your discretion. Comics must be at least fifteen panels long. Written entries must be at least 2500 words. More is always encouraged. Only comics or written entries are accepted.

Dragon Companion 

✖ Level Three Dragon 🔗

Completed five or more of the following goals:
✖ Completed three unique Den prompts in their own Den.
          🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗

✖ Acquired at least three Familiars.
          🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗

✖ Dragon(s) underwent three Training sessions.
          🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗

✖ Acquired a second job. 🔗

✖ Received a Job promotion. 🔗

✖ Successfully crafted five items. 🔗
          🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗

✖ Joined a Political Affiliation. 🔗

✖ Depicted in at least ten images with their dragon(s).
         🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗 | 🔗


Draw a comic or write a story that shows the working life of your Rider and Dragon. What sort of jobs do they do together? Remember that a Dragon will always serve a crucial role in their Rider’s work! Even the smallest Jungle dragons can aid in Alchemy. Massive Earth dragons can help in construction and farming. For more ideas on what sort of work your dragon is cut out for, read their specific element page. Creativity is always welcome, as long as it plays to your dragon’s talents! Comics must be at least ten panels long. Written entries must be at least 2000 words. More is always encouraged. Only comics or written entries are accepted.

Den Name 

Seasonal Wind
Seasonal Wind
Seasonal Wind

Den Theme

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Den Items

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.

Den Items

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.

Ancient Tomes

Well, maybe not all of them Ancient, but a good handful at least. Quinn is always carrying around too many books. Some borrowed from Yveria's most esteemed libraries - he most certainly intends to return them. Eventually.

Quills & Ink

The contents of his bag are nearly always ink stained. He keeps meaning to work out some enchantment against it, but who has time for that? There are more pressing matters to be attending.

Journals & Scrolls

Hoarding all that ink has a purpose. It's rare to find a moment where Quinn isn't intently scrawling something into one of his various journals. You don't do that many magickal experiments if you don't intend to record your findings.

Pouches of Coins

The amount of Gold & Silver on his person at any given time is somewhat astounding -- but books and magickal reagents don't come cheap -- and neither does well tailored, enchanted clothing.

Star Charts

One would assume an actual map of Yveria would prove more useful. How Quinn can even decipher these is as much of a mystery as their purpose. Seems to be some kind of family secret.

Pack Goat

While more of a companion animal, this strange creature doesn't really do much other than carry Quinn's countless bags around and stare at you with an eerie sort of gaze.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.

Ancient Tomes

Well, maybe not all of them Ancient, but a good handful at least. Quinn is always carrying around too many books. Some borrowed from Yveria's most esteemed libraries - he most certainly intends to return them. Eventually.

Quills & Ink

The contents of his bag are nearly always ink stained. He keeps meaning to work out some enchantment against it, but who has time for that? There are more pressing matters to be attending.

Journals & Scrolls

Hoarding all that ink has a purpose. It's rare to find a moment where Quinn isn't intently scrawling something into one of his various journals. You don't do that many magickal experiments if you don't intend to record your findings.

Pouches of Coins

The amount of Gold & Silver on his person at any given time is somewhat astounding -- but books and magickal reagents don't come cheap -- and neither does well tailored, enchanted clothing.

Star Charts

One would assume an actual map of Yveria would prove more useful. How Quinn can even decipher these is as much of a mystery as their purpose. Seems to be some kind of family secret.

Pack Goat

While more of a companion animal, this strange creature doesn't really do much other than carry Quinn's countless bags around and stare at you with an eerie sort of gaze.


Pre Chronoscape

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa. Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus. Aenean gravida eu nibh id tincidunt. Pellentesque lorem mauris, cursus sed ligula eget, cursus posuere risus. Phasellus vel enim volutpat, sagittis augue at, condimentum ex. 


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa. Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus. Aenean gravida eu nibh id tincidunt. Pellentesque lorem mauris, cursus sed ligula eget, cursus posuere risus. Phasellus vel enim volutpat, sagittis augue at, condimentum ex. 



  • ✦ Summer / Warm Weather
  • ✦ Soft Creatures
  • ✦ Chaos
  • ✦ Long Sleeves, Long Skirts, Pants
  • ✦ Interesting Things


  • ✦ Taking Care of Animals & Dragons
  • ✦ Dancing (though isn't the best at it)
  • ✦ Sweets
  • ✦ Lorem ipsum
  • ✦ Lorem ipsum


  • ✦ Mundane / Boring Life
  • ✦ Swimming
  • ✦ Flying (for long distances)
  • ✦ Short Sleeved Clothing

General Trivia

  • Needs glasses to be able to see, though she does have contacts she doesn't often wear them.
  • She's known for being quite the trouble maker, though as she gets older she has calmed down a tad bit
  • Hair is not often down, unless she's sleeping or it's a special event.
  • Nails are always painted, often choosing a dark brown or black for work.
  • Tends to wear heeled shoes, making her that tiny bit taller.
  • .




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc laoreet ullamcorper metus, at vulputate diam vestibulum quis.