
8 months, 7 days ago


Lv. 24
unknown.png #??? - Hollyeon Grass Ice
HP 75 Speed 46
Attack 51 Defense 58
Sp. Atk 49 Sp. Def 45
Modest nature. Proud of its power.
Ability: Chlorophyll Held Item: None
Helping Hand Normal
Status - Power: -- - Accuracy: --%
The user assists an ally by boosting the power of that ally’s attack.
Take Down Normal
Physical - Power: 90 - Accuracy: 85%
A reckless full-body charge attack for slamming into the target. This also damages the user a little.
Ice Shard Ice
Physical - Power: 40 - Accuracy: 100%
The user flash-freezes chunks of ice and hurls them at the target. This move always goes first.
Razor Leaf Grass
Physical - Power: 55 - Accuracy: 95%
Sharp-edged leaves are launched to slash at opposing Pokémon. This move has a heightened chance of landing a critical hit.

Don't worry, I can handle this!

When Vera is working at her carpentry job, that means Patch isn't too far behind. Patch is an apprentice carpenter, working directly under Vera and making sure everything goes smoothly for her. He's a tool fetcher, a sander, a second pair of paws to help prop up something for Vera, you name it. He has it covered, and is happy to lend a hand where she needs.

Patch is a young Eevee, and when he isn't working with Vera, he's sticking around her home and playing with Callie as they're roughly the same age. Callie loves playing with Patch and he enjoys being able to see the non-working side of Vera when she's at home with Callie.

It was nearing the end of a work day of fixing up some damage in a house, and Patch was laying down in a ray of sunlight shining down on the town. He was relaxing, taking it all in, until a very, very loud crash was heard nearby, scaring him half-dead and fully awake. The Eevee rushed towards the sound, where a collapse of construction material seemed to have taken place. He was almost not concerned until he saw the light pink paw of Vera hanging out of the damage. Without even a second thought, he rushed in and started to move as much debris as he could out of the way so he could pull Vera out.

It was tricky, it was extremely heavy, and there were moments where he thought he was going to pass out from the exhaustion. But Vera needed him to step up and save her, and so he pressed on and continued to dig her out, not even realizing there was a glowing coming from his heart radiating throughout his fur. As he kept pulling and pushing pieces of housing out of the way to unearth Vera, he managed to get her out enough to start pulling her out without any fear of hurting her. He pulled, and pulled, gently releasing her from the collapse, and just as she was freed, a bright flash of light came from him. As the light disappeared, Vera was freed, and a Hollyeon was laying next to her, his chest heaving from the task.

He barely paid his evolution any mind before getting back to his paws, gently nudging himself beneath her to carry her, and rushed her to the clinic. The collapsed debris could wait to be cleaned- first, he needed to make sure Vera wasn't in critical condition. It took some time at the clinic, but Serenity assured him Vera would be fine, a couple broken bones and a minor concussion was all she came out with. With a sigh of relief, he thanked the Celebi and let bloom watch his mentor while he rushed out to help pick up and organize the collapse and investigate the cause.

Since his evolution, Patch has gotten much stronger and much tougher, meeting Vera in strength to work with her as her equal, despite still being her apprentice. He wouldn't want it any other way- whatever he could do to help, he would do it.