
5 months, 5 days ago


Name: Marlon

Species: Domestic Cat

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/her


Her name is unknown, she is only known through a famous legend: one of a young feline who'd had enough of her home being threatened for years and finally stood up to the danger.

Doing so resulted in her early passing, but it saved her people. Touched by her bravery, the gods of her people gifted her with new life as a demi-god.

Now, many generations later, she watches over and protects her descendants who worship her as one of the gods herself.


• her name means 'Little warlike one' or 'Little Hawk'

• before passing she would grow and sell plants, stuff like lemons, oranges, grapes, olives, etc.

• a few frames in the 'Who Is She' pmv is inspired by Palaeolithic Art (cave paintings) which some believe to of been done for religious reasons, though Marlon actually lives in a time slightly more advanced that the Palaeolithic period, more like the late iron age.

• She loves to walk along the beach, and is often said to be spotted there during the early morning and sunset.

• her eye only became sun-shaped after becoming a demi-god, it had been injured and was replaced when she was revived. Her vision out of that eye is like black lines on a plain white background, and that eye is said to glow like the sun.

• She was born without claws, she mainly uses her dagger when she needs to defend herself or if needs to use her claws for something else, it was custom made for her and is made out of Bronze to match her eyes.

• She was especially close to her mother. She was devastated when she lost her daughter, and to make things worse she was expecting another child when the battle Marlon is known for occurred, so whenever she looked at Marlon's sister all she could see is the child she once had, who had it not been for the Gods taking her away from her would have been there to be the child's older sister. She is happy that Marlon was given a second chance at life, but to do so she had to leave her parents, and her mother struggles with that fact for the rest of her life.

Her direct descendent is supposedly a part of a prophecy. What is that prophecy? No one really knows. It is said that anyone born with the sun mark (like Marlon's eye but a fur marking) is destined for the same greatness as Marlon herself.

This cat spends her whole life being expected to do something great, but she's no where near as brave or talented as Marlon is told to be, and eventually starts to break under all the pressure.

When everything finally becomes too much she begs Marlon and the Gods for guidance, and as the tales foretold, Marlon answers her. But can she really live up to her destiny, even with her ancestor's help?

• Solar Scouts backstory was partially inspired by the song 'Who Is She' by I Monster.