


5 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Ignore Everything Here

It's Just For Testing Codes


On August 20th, 1917, Morty took the castle by storm . He and his followers surrounded the people in attendance and demanded for the king to show himself. Unfortunately for Morty his son interfered  and the king got away. On top of that Princess Odalis Ilumer attacked the first chance she got. She wasn't much of a match for him  despite the fact she had more training when it came to swordfighting. He never said he wouldn't hurt the princess, just that he wouldn't kill her and so he didn't hold back.

Norman came bearing the knews the king got away. For this Morty sent Norman away, sentencing them to imprisonment until they'd be useful again.

Once all the obstacles inside the castle had been cleared away and the public had been informed of their new king he had only one focus. The king was still out there and the king could still come back. His first thought was to send an army out to get rid of his true enemy. After a day of holding back he came up with a new plan. The king was bound to come back for his sister, and so Morty would just have to lure him back.

The night he was going to start on this new plan was his last night as king. As he was going to retrieve the princess he was attacked by Norman, Charment, and the princess herself. He wasn't strong enough to take three people on on his own but he was smart enough to just barely escape with his life after being stabbed several times.

Profusely bleeding he thought to take refuge in his old house, which had long since been abandoned. Or, so he believed. It should have been but Aziz Jones had the same thought. Already wounded Morty didn't stand a chance. His life was stolen from him by the very knife he made all those years ago.

That morning his corps would be found on the palace steps.

And so ends his story.