🍊 | Basil



4 months, 19 days ago



headcanons: (none belong to me!)

  • different emotions change the tea within! (calm and soothing is chamomile tea, bold and energetic is black tea.. etc)
  • like palm reader the goober can actually read their own leaf at the bottom of their cup to predict the future/ give hints to the future
  • delicate on the outside but a strong will! (or.. tea..)
  • knows tea facts and tea history (TEA WISDOM!!)
  • friendly and calm
  • when they get up in the morning they get a teabag to brew themselves first, (silly

as a human:

  • loves brewing tea for others! so often would they get invited to be the tea host #no1 tea
  • tries to match the tea with the guest's personality
  • i imagine the handle from the cup form becomes a hidden tail, and the spoon becomes a staff or cane, along with the lemon might can be a hat!

(headcanon cred: RaineeHill

I feel like the human form would wear either a flowing skirt or cape that had the tea cup pattern   And maybe worked in a tea shop of some kind, brewing tea for people.
Maybe they’d be able to grow rare herbs that they’d use in the teas to cure ailments!  For names, maybe: Leif (like a tea leaf), Sage, Clover, Flora, Basil. Idk but some kinda naturey theme They’d also maybe have like a certain tea where the aroma of it is calming to wild animals and also people, so they’d use it to help their anxious friends or befriend animals.  The tea in their cup is usually warm and inviting, but becomes cold when they’re sad or upset They always smell sweet, with earthy tones, which in itself is inviting. They’re friends with almost everyone they meet 

(cred: Sewer_Ratz)