


4 months, 26 days ago


Species: Ohua Hollow. Aka: "Oh".

The Oh are a new open cryptid species created by Psych. 

Species Details: Oh are a newly discovered species of cryptid though they have been around for eons. They come to being by being summoned through a very advanced and difficult ritual into a specially carved mask. No one knows what the face of an Oh actually looks like or if they even have a face; many believe there is nothing but a black void behind their masks. The masks of an Oh are their life line, an Oh without a mask is a dead Oh. If an Oh's original mask is destroyed so is the Oh. The only part of an Oh's face that people have seen is perhaps an oddly colored mouth, however an Oh's mouth is not restricted to the face area and can literally be hidden anywhere on the body. The number of masks an Oh can possess can be unlimited. The more masks the Oh has the older and more powerful they are. It is unknown where the Oh's masks are kept when not currently in use nor where the Oh pulls the masks from when swapping them out.

Character stats:

Name: Icky

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Pronouns: We/Us

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 110 lbs

Invisi-arms: 4

Horns: 2

Ears: 2

Tail: 1

Mask shape: round/oval

Character Description: Sleek gray body with white accents and long tall erect ears with tan and purple insides. Scruffy neck fluff and tail; with tan patches. Thick black horns stemming from his head infront of his ears travel down to curl around either side of his head. Two purple and two tan invisi-arms hover at his sides casually shifting varying painted masks around his face with inhuman speeds. Has a large gaping fanged mouth in the center of his neck that is hidden behind his neck fluff.

Character Personality: Naive to a fault. Sheltered. Knows nothing of the world except the forest he previously lived in. Uncivialized. Doesn't know what personal boundries are. Rude but not on purpose. Zero social skills. Very up in your face. Might bite but never maliciously. Wants to be friends and be close to others but doesn't know how to play nice. Was isolated his whole life and thought he was the only living sentient being alive until he stumbled across another of his kind.

(Join the newly created Ohua Hollow if the species interests you, or feel free to create your own! they're an open species of mischievous critters imbued into masks. more info can be found at the deviantart group:

https://www.deviantart.com/ohuahollow )