
5 months, 2 days ago






B: Where do we even start with this...
S: Keep it facts at first, we can go from there...

Name: Ada Official Designation: Generation One Combat Synth The last surviving member of the problematic first gen combat synths. Despite possessing some personality quirks, she seemed to retain her sanity. All other members of her generation devolved before even reaching the end of the testing process. Despite her survival, she was still designated a failure at the time of finishing testing, as no additional abilities beyond her physical specs were evident. It was only later that her potential was acknowledged, however, the long span of time between then and the end of testing left her with a noticeable inferiority complex. Commonly assigned to dangerous or pointless tasks, depending on the temperment of mission control that day, she nevertheless managed to survive and perform her tasks adequately. When her potential to copy abilities displayed by others surfaced, she became a common choice as a 'backup' for dangerous missions, in case the primary unit was unable to continue. This failed to improve her self perception, always being the 'second banana' as she commonly said. When it was understood that she retained the abilities that she copied, she was eventually paired with a raw combat unit for the purpose of improving her solo capabilities. The eventual development of a relationship between the two laid the groundwork for everything that came afterwards...

S: Need a break?
B: Yeah, I think I do.