[f2u] vintage pink html code



3 months, 26 days ago


Be sure to disable WYSIWYG before you add this code!

Was using this code on my second account and decided to update my page a bit, so here it is for anyone to use   

This code is not going to be mobile friendly, and looks best on the pink theme. Feel free to play around with other themes/colors though, if you are able to edit code. This is very easy to break so be sure to keep track of what you're editing! (if you need help/have a question, let me know)

I used this font for the username! (I used size medium, saved the image as a png, removed the background with remove.bg, and used paint to color in the text.) This is a very contrived way to make a text graphic, so I recommend these websites if you want something easier: 

Glitterfy // Font Meme // CoolText // Kapwing

There are tons of graphic websites if you want to search for something different than these alternatives!

I also recommend hiding recent characters, featured characters, and recent bulletins, as it makes the code look very nice (if you're using it for a profile code.) Here's what it looks like with all that hidden.

HERE is the code! I appreciate anyone who uses it  



Put whatever text you want here. You can even feature stamps/graphics/etc. heart.png
bow_div_2.pngHere is where the scrolling starts. You don't have to use the dividers/graphics I used if you don't want :)
Angels_Angel_flies_1prv.gif Angels_Angel_flies_2_prv.gif pink_bow.png pink_bow.png