


5 months, 1 day ago


General Information:

Name: Rannamaari

Age: 1000+

Gender: Male

A creature that previously wrecked havoc on the island before being driven away into seclusion. it lays in rest in the sunken temple before being reawakened when it resurfaces centuries later.

Centuries of sleep rot its flesh away, only leaving its soul behind, trapped in the husk that remains.

History :

A creature that was said to have previously terrorized the country centuries ago. No one knows what happened to him, but when an old buddhist temple resurfaced after centuries, he too came alive with it. It's reason of existence is still unknown.

IRL Facts:

• Rannamaari's origin is from the tale of how Maldives converted to Islam:
There is a more fanciful folk tale in which Al Barbari subdued the mythical sea demon Rannamaari that had been haunting the people of the Maldives since time began. Every month, a virgin had to be sacrificed for the demon, or the people were to face his wrath. A girl was chosen from the inhabitants by the king or his advisers and she would be kept alone on the first night of the month in an isolated temple at the eastern seafront in Male At dawn, the girl’s family would return to the temple to find only her dead body. Moroccan Muslim traveller Al Barabari suggested that he be sent to the temple in place of a girl to read verses of the Quran there. After he recited the Quran in the temple, the demon disappeared and was never heard of again. The Maldivian people were grateful that the demon had been banished and believed that it was the divine intervention of Allah and converted to Islam. The image of Islam banishing old pagan monsters and beliefs and paving the way for a brighter future is a powerful narrative in the creation of Maldives.

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• There is no concrete information as to its form. Some say it is long and has arms that reach its feet, and others say it takes the form of a handsome man. Some even speculate that the beast is just a lie conjured by the king, and it was actually the king and the other higher ups up to no good.