up for offer's Comments

oh my god. a creature. a freak (said lovingly, affectionately)

i can offer someone from here or maybe here?

would u be open to parting with https://toyhou.se/3086663.iridis ? i am happy to add stuff on like art or ocs or USD :] if not that's completely ok <3

i would be if you're open to like a mixed offer? so i paid ~$210; thinking something like either $120 USD + slightly cleaner ref/lines (not asking you to redraw the whole thing ofc); or like $100 USD, whoever this delightful creature is, + a slightly cleaner ref/lines

edit: sorry for the delayed response, i was thinking over your offer overnight and didn't want to make a hasty decision without putting thought into it

ill go ahead n message you as im up to the latter :]

what a cutie!

hehe ty