


8 months, 4 days ago




Cain, Fox


Immortal (roughly 800+ years)

192 cm


Spirit of Loyalty


Theme song


Zodiac sign

INFJ - Advocate




  • He is an old higher Spirit - 8-tailed fox of loaylty; he got exalted after protecting his King's children with his own life. By this seemingly simple act of loyalty, he ensured that the dynasty of his King would continue for another 300 years and restore its glory.
  • After a few hundred years of hard work, he was able to develop a human body. Now he's able to shift to his original spiritual (animal) form at will. In his animal form, Cain looks like a black desert fox, with very long pointy ears.
  • He is a long-distance fighter with his golden bow crafted from one of his spiritual tails. He also loves to create explosive potions or traps.
  • Cain is one of the few higher Spirits who is willing to spiritually bond with people for their short lifetimes. However, all his bonds were with the descendants of the dynasty he once served.


Cain was born into a poor family in the slums of the city of Eurymaion, which, over time, had succumbed to decay but was originally located as the present-day Shiniira. Struggling to provide enough food for his family in any way possible, he rose from a petty thief to a member of a group of hired assassins. However, his nature strongly clashed with his assignments to the point where he suffered deeply. His final mission, aimed at acquiring sufficient wealth to retire from his current lifestyle, was the assassination of the King of the ruling dynasty. Little did he know that he was not sent alone and that his motives would quickly change on the spot. The blade of his dagger claimed the life of another assassin, instead of fulfilling his original task of ending the charismatic King's life. The interplay of 'coincidences' resulted in Cain becoming the personal bodyguard of the King himself. He entrusted him with not only his life but also the life of the queen. The royal family's trust ran so deep that Cain couldn't step aside from his newfound path. Moreover, he left behind his former life, now able to provide resources to his family.

Cain suddenly gained access to education and comfort he had never known. He quickly adapted to all the possibilities and indulged in them to the fullest. His close collaboration with the royal family also resulted in his 'promotion' to the royal bedroom pet. He became the lover not only of the king but also of the queen. After the birth of the first royal children, Cain loved and protected them as passionately as their parents. However, idyllic moments never last forever, and dark clouds of war engulfed Eurymaion. After a few months of siege, the enemy gained the upper hand, and Cain was tasked with saving the King's children. With a heart painfully clenched, the young man left his love and led the children out of the city to safety, even at the cost of mortal wounds that he couldn't avoid on the way out. At that time, he took his final breath as a mere human.

After his death, he regained his consciousness as a spiritual being. In the form of little fox, at that time with only one petite tail, was sent into the world of humans to carry on his life purpose. At that time during his travels, he met Abel, another young spiritual fox, with whom he formed a strong friendship. In an unnamed temple in the East, both kept company to an elder who, considering their brotherly banter, gave them the nicknames Cain and Abel, which stuck with them until today. Since that time, both were able to develop the human body and continue living to fulfill their life purposes.

Cain is a tall man with a cocoa-like complexion and strong and thick hair styled into a single braid. He prefers loose clothing that has proven being suitable for hot weather. He can be described as someone who is loyal, devoted, caring, dutiful, honorable, friendly but also mischievous, flirty and quite witty. Cain takes pleasure in teasing others and he's often making his own words as he seems to be very bad at grammar on purpose. He smells like oriental spice and lemon. His most favourite food is kangaroo steak and ostrich eggs. Cain is currently spiritually and sould-bonded to Kage, general from Kuroishi clan.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


  • gold jewelry
  • hot weather
  • jokes
  • his spiritual bonds


  • too cold weather
  • disloaylty
  • wars
  • death of his spiritual bonds


  • devoted
  • honorable
  • mischievous
  • very protective


  • potions
  • cryptography
  • archery
  • pranking others