
4 months, 26 days ago


Mei lived a fairly normal middle class life with a loving mother and father but that all changed on the freeway when she saw something on their way to their new home . Mei looked out the window seeing some kind of horrifying monster running by her car, a cursed spirit, mei pointed and tried to tell her parents about it but they couldn't see anything. The creature then looked at mei and smiled "you can see me" it said to her smiling with a large toothy mouth it continued "your life has just gotten much harder child" she screamed and her parents began to ask her what's wrong but before they could the spirit rushed into the car causing it to lose control. Mei and her parents screamed as their car slammed into another causing a large pile up but somehow mei was outside the car unharmed staring blankly at the spirit leaving in the distance... Laughing. Mei was taken by paramedics who where amazed she was ok. They tried questioning her but all she would do is stare. Fast forward a few years to mei now in highschool living with her uncle who tries his best to accommodate for meis odd behavior. Mei continues to see sprites but would try to pretend she couldn't although she always had the feeling they could sense her somehow like they knew she could see them somehow.

Her school life was very difficult. She was more often then not caught staring out a window or random direction, this absent behavior made learning very difficult for her and her intellect became another thing for people could use to target her. Girls in her class would make fun of her low test scores and her absent nature often clapping or waving their hands in front of her face to get her attention. They would do anything to get a reaction out of her but name-calling could only get you so far and things began to escalate. Bullies would trip her in the halls, pull her hair as she walked by, throw things at her in class when the teacher wasn't looking, poor dirty mop water on her head but despite all this her face barely reacted sure she might have frowned a little or maybe teared up but no large freak out like they wanted until one day things went too far.

Her bullies cornered her in an empty classroom with the usual treatment but this time they though of something else, something that would need to get a reaction out of her, they grabbed her opened the window and started forcefully leaning her out of it, they hoped to see some face or get a scream anything but that blank face, but still nothing she didn't even make a sound 

"What's wrong with you!" The bully said "Your hanging half way out a window and still nothing how brain dead could you possibly be lobotomei! You think we won't let you fall huh is that it? Well your wrong!" 

What they didn't know was that mei was terrified but she couldn't move she was frozen and her face refused to show anything so they pushed her more until most of her was out the window and then something when wrong. mei fell out of the window and the bullies backed away from the window, they where now frozen with fear of what they have just done.

As mei fell she thought about her parents and the things she sees. Mei wonders how did she survive that crash and more importantly why her why was she allowed to live but her family couldn't, she thought about how unfair it was that she would need to go through the rest of her life alone unable to make friends with the only family member she has left seeing her as a constant haunting reminder of her parents death, but just then as the floor came closer and closer she fell through it. It felt like water but softer and not cold or warm just a light pressure all around her. She opened her eyes seeing that she was under the floor but still able to see the surface like she was staring through solid matter. She started moving, swimming twords the surface until she popped through the ground and laid on it with a feeling of exhaustion rolling over she could see her bullies crowded around the window staring down at her as she gets up unharmed and she would never forget how pale they looked, almost like they had seen a ghost.

After this mei would run away from home leaving a note to her uncle thanking him for everything and apologizing for being such a burden to him. As she wondered the world lost she would run into someone who then took her to where she is now.

Mei is now a student at jjh with goals of finding the spirit that killed her parents, making friends with people who are like her, and learn how to save others with the same curse that saved her all those years ago.