


4 months, 14 days ago


Nimona is still a fairly young tamer, and this is reflected in her reckless, fearless personality. There is no dare too flippant, no stunt too dangerous, for her to attempt at least once. She has all the stubbornness of a child told they can’t, and unfortunately she has most of the skill to ensure that whatever it is, she can. She has never quite learned when to give up or refuse a challenge. It does make life harder than it needs to be, but she’s too bullheaded to acknowledge that just yet. On the upside, it makes for some wonderful stories to tell and some fantastic skills to show off; she may not know when to give up, but she’s a hard enough worker that nothing she learns ever goes to waste. Dared to spend a night alone in the woods? She’ll just pick up some of those plants that Ivan is running low on for his experiments. Told she would make a horrible babysitter? Joke’s on you, she now volunteers to help Priscilla twice a week and all the kids love her. Far too impatient to sit through a botany lesson? She spent a full season traveling with Bah just to learn from him about whatever he happened to know. 

Nimona may be a wildcard, but what is life if not the chance to be wild? And what could be more daring than learning and never letting go of it? She’s stubborn, she’s tough, and she loves the thrill of proving someone wrong. That doesn’t mean she’s stupid, and she’ll prove it.