


4 months, 19 days ago


I LOVE THEM AHH!!! gonna draw them asap xp

original post's text: (will remove later lol)


Congratulations to Timebreaker , the character profile should be pending!! Thank you all for entering <3

(I apologize for the wait!)

Flavor text:
A midnight storm batters your coat, rendering it both too thin and too waterlogged. Water clouds your eyes, and the constant blinking isn't helping at all in your confusion of where you are. You know you're on the beach - the muddy sand sneaking into your boots still has distinctly fine granules, and the thundering claps of waves threaten to encroach upon your small stretch of land. No matter how far you walk in the opposite direction, it seems you just get turned around and end up at the stinging spittle pelting your freezing, uncovered cheeks.
It seems like you've walked for ages, and your weary knees creak under your weight, which has been proving itself more and more unbearable by the step. There is no light anywhere, and your phone would surely short-circuit if you brought its flashlight out. You're trekking blind, both literally and metaphorically, and the situation has sunk far into the pit of hopelessness. You can't seem to grasp any sort of guideline to keep you walking, to give you a facade of knowledge that you're going to get home soon. Though you feel hollow, any confidence utterly stomped out of you, you're not ready just yet to give into despair and collapse onto the beach, for a large wave to eat you whole.
Suddenly, something flashes at the edge of your vision. It doesn't gleam momentarily like a mirage, but it lingers for you to behold it. It's not just white, and though it's bright enough to sear its way through a storm, the stunning colors have depth, almost as if the raindrops in front of it phased out of reality for a fleeting moment, before fully passing through.
These colors shine in large blotches, flowing through the air like a gentle breeze, like fairies making their way towards you. And they are certainly approaching while you stand in awe. Some of the colors just look like they're floating, but a group of them details a human face... or, that's what your furiously blinking eyes tell you.
The rationale you can muster is that, when lost during a storm, this benevolent fairy-like entity decides to approach you instead of letting you die a frozen, pathetic death. There's nothing to do other than to meet it in the middle and let it guide you to safety.
A meek human is an easy, satisfying meal, after all.

I was liking the design halfway while I was working on it but that feeling is absolutely gone. So, here's a F2E!

How to enter:
The required is just to favorite this! I'm using the Toyhouse raffle app so no need to comment.

Extra entries:
Sub is +1 entry. Again, no need to comment
Make a bulletin linking this is +2 entries by itself, but if you do this, you need to comment with its link.

My raffles have historically been a flop so I'll wait until we get at least 20 10 favs (it has truly been flopping lol). After that milestone, I'm going to extend the end of the raffle to a week after, in which I'll roll a winner.

EDIT: Favorite goal has been reached, raffle will end February 11th, 6pm (UTC-3 timezone).

However, if you really like this design and want it for sure, their AB is $30. If you do enter the raffle normally, please be aware of this possibility, but I doubt it'll happen.

If you want the PSD file to edit things around and see how I made certain things, you can only do that through an AB, but for that the price would be bumped up to $50. $50 also grants you commercial use