Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Before You Enter...

WARNINGS: My content tends to vary quite a bit and there is a large range of wholesome works mixed in with more graphic works... All potentially sensitive content should be properly tagged, censored, or hidden completely. If you find an outlier, please let me know, I guarantee it was not on purpose.
Please be advised that the only things that fall outside of that prior statement is cartoony blood* and weapons. If you are adverse to that kind of content, be cautious when viewing...
(*Said cartoony blood is primarily only seen on character reference sheets. These lack any realism or detail and exist solely for color reference.)

DNI [Do Not Interact]: I will not tolerate any form of homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism, pedophillia, zoophilia, or anything of the like.
Please do not give a sales pitch to me as to why you should use my work in AI... (I do not and will not support the unethical and nonconsensual image scraping, selling, licensing, and general use that currently supports the state of generative AI.)

I just want to make it clear that I just like to organize designs that really scratch the brain into little folders to just look at or potentially make fan illustrations of! With permission, of course. So please don't be alarmed if you see any of your beloved characters in there, I bear no ill will, I just think they're neat! 🥔 ...That being said, I don't mind if other people want to add my own characters to their dreamie folders! :]

While I don't mind people making offers on my various characters, I am a very avid forever-homer. And it's not the best feeling in the world to be offered something really incredible for a character you can't part with... Though there are some characters that I do have my struggles with, so I won't bar off the idea completely. Just no unsolicited offers, no repeat offers on a character I have refused for trade in the past (again, just outside of the trade/sale folders), and no low-balling... Please.

Thank you for your time!

Too Long; Didn't Read

• Graphic content can be found here, but it is all properly tagged/censored/hidden. (excl. blood references on character sheets and weapons)

• DNI: I will not tolerate any form of homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism, pedophillia, zoophilia, or anything of the like.

• Favorite folders aren't used as dreamie folders.

• Ask before making offers on characters outside of my trade/sale/offer folders.

• Anti-AI space.

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

Non-realistic depiction of (tail) bones.

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