◇ Minty ◇'s Comments

I been thinking adopting minty and I actually have some info about her since I think it be awesome for her to be part of the story that imma be making soon for my own characters but anyway here a info about minty ^^


 minty will be having a siblings name mudca and they both will be part of the story 

Anyway Minty is 18 year old she been thinking getting a job and she want to work at a Bakery since she love to bake some cake, cupcake, donut and much more!! But beside that minty love to spent time with mudca and her favorites hobbie is cooking and reading ((but she mostly love to read some comic book related)) Minty has a close friends name Sophie, Avry and Lucy which she met these girl since middle school and now they all finished high school which they will start their new journey together and minty really hope she get the job what she been dreaming ever since her mom was there for her before she passed away. ((If you didn't know her mom love to bake some Dessert ✨️))

I hope this info look alright since i enjoy typing the info about minty :D ♡♡ 

I LOVE WHAT YOURE THINKING ABOUT DOING FOR THEM!! You can absolutely have minty!!

AH TYSM I AM GOING TO TAKE CARE OF HER AND PLUS IMMA START drawing something new and even draw her with other characters as well ♡♡