

4 months, 26 days ago





Name Earthen
Tribe(s) Mudwing
Age 7
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Sexuality Bisexual
Role/Job/Title Royal Family Member
Home Mudwing Palace
Voice Claim Ethan Winters
Theme song TBD


+ reliable, + problem-solver, + determined

= extravert, = talkative, = competitive

- impulsive, - stubborn, - kinda egotistical

INDEPTH: "Earthen is a Royal Mudwing born in the palace. His destiny is to be a high-rank in the Mudwing military force, and he is perfectly happy with this life plan. He is a reliable dragon; you can always count on him to fulfill a duty and promise. Sometimes his egotistical tendencies and lack of impulse land him in some trouble, and he makes enemies without really realizing it. Though he is very loyal, dragons outside of his circle sometimes view him as a loud-mouth who just wants to prove he's the best. To an extent, it is true, but Earthen never means true harm or malice. Because of this Earthen has grown to be quite the problem-solver, and if he's given the chance he can usually talk his way back into favor with his enemies."


  • Fire
  • Fireproof Scales
  • Holding Breath for an Hour


  • Green Earring, the Symbol of a Palace Mudwing
  • Crunch the Crocodile














Before hatching: "Earthen's egg was laid in the palace alongside three others. He was the bigwings, hatching first and helping his younger sibs hatch as well. Earthen was the only one of his sibs to be born from a bloodred egg. Their father is unknown, but their mother is a royal advisor named Primrose. Her staus is why Earthen's family was born of a high status."

Hatchling (0-3 years): "The first year of a Hatchling's life in the Mud Kingdom is spent idly playing and observing the older dragons. In the palace, Earthen and his sibs got a jumpstart on education, since palace Mudwings are expected to be more educated than the average Mudwing. The first year of his life, Earthen's schooling was light and was mostly reading and writing lessons. Years two and three included basic reading comprehension, history, basic math, and basic writing. It was the end of year one of Earthen's life when their mother, Primsrose, ordered them to adopt in another sib in their ranks. Treesap, the Mudwing and Skywing hybrid. Earthen and his sibs were told that his parents left him here in shame and flew away in exile, and that they were going to raise him as one of their own. A strong Mudwing with the speed and agility of a Skywing would be a force to be reckoned with. It tooks a few months, but Earthen eventually pursuaded his sibs that Treesap wasn't so bad. Him and Treesap, who was a year younger than his adopted siblings, became close very quickly. Earthen spent most of his early days acting as Treesap's main guardian and role model."

Dragonet (4-6 years): "After basic schooling, Earthen and his sibs began military training. During these years of their lives, they woke up, trained, did brief schooling, and went to sleep. Earthen was especially accomplished in these departments, but his entire unit was also lethal as well. So lethal, that by their 5th year the palace already guaranteed their future ranks of high-commanding in the Mudwing military. But all of this success had its downfalls as well. Earthen's unit was the hot topic of gossip, due to their hybrid sibling. Lots of Mudwings seemed to think that the unit's success was strictly due to Treesap and his mixted abilities of Skywing and Mudwing. Earthen was always the first to defend his brother against scrutiny, and therefore he was always the victim of gossip and teasing as well. Earthen never cared, though. He was always protective of Treesap and he was proud to admit it. Upon the dawn of Earthen's sixth year of life, Queen Bayou summoned him for a special, private meeting. She informed Earthen that if he continued to do so good, the rank of General in her personal military force was guaranteed in his future. Earthen was, of course, delighted by this news. But, the Queen added a special condition. Two, in fact. The first was that Earthen would specially breed with one of her dragonets when he was of age. She wanted to increase the likliness of fireproof scales in the palace. The second condition was that if Treesap ever began to question his loyalties, Earthen would inform the queen immediately, and if it came to it, arrested Treesap himself. While Earthen was perfectly fine with the first condition, the second made him squirm. Queen Bayou knew that it was a tall order, which if why she asked him to promise her he'd follow her conditions. Earthen, after some hesitance, agreed. "

Adult (7+): "W.I.P."



"Adopted, half-Skywing brother. He cares for him deeply, and holds a special bond with him that runs deeper than his other sibs, but he'd never admit it."






"His level-headed sister that is the first one to tell Earthen if he's being impulsive. She is the true mastermind of Earthen's unit, and thr first one any of the sibs go to for logical, sound advice."



"Firefly is the unit's ray of sunshine. Earthen and Firefly together is like combining fire and dynamite. When they start challenging each other to do dumb things, Lilac is the only dragon alive who could ever stop them. The two are very competitive, and Firefly knows exactly how to press Earthen's buttons."



"Elmwood is the exact opposite of Earthen. A scholar, quiet, introverted, controlled...He doesn't care for his tribe's simple way of life and prefers to study like a Nightwing. Earthen and Elmwood don't have a very deep connection, but Elmwood is the only dragon in the world that could teach Earthen something in a way the big doofus will remember. Earthen is the only dragon who can hype Elmwood up to attend social gatherings."