Dawnhunter's Comments

The uhh the ummm 



I’m so sorry it took me so long to decide, every single one of you deserved to win this, I was truly stressing over this because choosing a single winner felt wrong, so many of you deserved to win. That being said, one person stood out, having put the most time and effort into this and making some genuinely beautiful artworks, and catching my eye as who I think would give this oc the best home possible! The winner is LusterTheSandwing!!

However only one person could win this oc, I did want to do something for some other people I noticed! In anyway possible, I’d like to give you something beautiful, and something that you could love atleast half as much as I loved seeing your entries. Genuinely, having a design I made bring what could be only described as a battle to the death out in some of the most awesome artists I’ve seen it a hot minute was surely not good for my ego. It is one of my favourite things, seeing designs I make be enjoyed so much. I hope you enjoy the custom design ( with this base ) I’ll make for you :D this special prize will go to Moosethefox and Shayfers_Shenanigans for making the damn best artworks I have ever seen. I hope to see more of your art in the future! 

thank you to absolutely everyone who entered, even if you didn’t win something, I hope you are incredibly proud of how your artwork/s came out <3 lord knows I am 

Congrats Luster!! I knew you would win, this was well deserved!

I wish I had more spare time to work on these, I definitely would have done so much more if life didn’t get in the way, but thankyou so much LepetyLepet for hosting this and making us some more dragons! I’m really excited to see what you create :)

Thank you so so much!!! I can’t believe I won 😭 

Everyone had some absolutely gorgeous entries and I’m genuinely really happy that moose and shayfer are getting customs because they both put in so much effort and seriously have some of the most beautiful art styles I’ve seen recently, they deserve it 100%

And I’ve also mentioned this like a thousand times but I still cannot thank you enough for just making this because seriously this dta taught how to draw nightfuries and helped me improve a bunch😭😭😭😭


BUT congrats on getting the cutie luster ‼️ can't wait to pop in here every few months to see what you do with em!

And thank you lepet for hosting, this little contest DRAGGED me out of a terrible art block I was experiencing lmaoooo


Thank you everyone who participated! I was really not expecting over 60 entries 😭, quickly I’d like to say, the runner ups should receive something too, as there was so much work put into this by everyone, do you guys have any suggestions on what they could receive? I was thinking a free oc done on this base :3 what do you guys think?

I will need a hot minute to figure out who I think the winner should be, so in the meantime, if you won, what would you do with the oc :D?

Yeah I think the runner ups should definitely get an oc on the same base! I’d also be willing to draw some art for these oc’s, maybe in the card style I did?

I can’t wait to see who wins, I’ve got a name ready and everything. I really enjoyed drawing this guy and I’m hoping I can draw them heaps more in the future! Named them Dawnhunter btw, the winner is definitely welcome to steal that

We all did really well and I hope the winner enjoys them heaps. Good luck everyone <3

Still working out a name but I have lots and lots planned!!

So first off i absolutely love the light under the scales idea so it gave me an idea for a subspecies of nightlight known as firefly nightlights, where they have the whole light speckles underneath their scales thing going on and the specks kind of move around like a firefly would

Going into lore, I thought about it a little bit but I tried not to get too detailed in case I got attached and then didn’t win lol. I’m working on a httyd OC universe that takes place on an island outside the archipelago that’s been untouched by humans so the dragons have progressed a bit and started to form very primitive societies. Another aspect of this island being unknown to humans, is that night and light furies aren’t as rare as they would be elsewhere due to a lack of hunting. The main story would be entirely from the perspective of the dragons!! Some of the villains I have planned are Harkan who is a ruthless leader, and Tarot who is a dealmaker and backstabber. My idea is that this character from the DTA would be a major protagonist in this story, an average dragon living an average life until a major turning point which causes them to have to face the terrors of the other dragons on the island and is forced to work against them. Another character I have planned is a melanistic lightfury named Carbonate who is kind of a morally grey character who messes with both sides and is known to be an untrustworthy double crosser. I was thinking of giving Carbonate some sort of specific relationship to the dta character like a slow burn friendship or something that maybe causes her to change for the better over time.

This story is like a super heavy wip so I don’t have a whole lot yet, and I’m still working on making OCs for it, but here’s my folder for them if you’re interested in looking at the others :]

def would put them in my secondary folder and anytime i feel like drawing a dragon i would draw them! if i become more connected then i would for sure commission some art and maybe make them a friend to draw them with :) also complements on the pallet i have 2 characters with the same pallet so it really drew me to this one!

Sorry i didnt finish my entry in time /gen

Agagsfagshshs I cannot believe I forgot to make an entry for this :')

Good luck to those who entered!

Welp, final day. Good luck everyone!!

Good luck!! Almost done with my final drawing

Oh hey, i just thought about timezones. Is it march 1st tomorrow for you? Tomorrow’s gonna be the 29th for me still. I was just wondering so I know how much time I have in case i wanna make more entries 

I’m Aussie, so the first of march will start in like 7 hours for me, but I’ll end it on the second of march (first for most of the world) to give everyone time to finish their parts, I’ll also try and be lenient incase anyone wants to enter something but timezones giving them a hard time ^^

Ohh alright, thanks for letting me know! I’m in EST so I appreciate it a bunch :]

Oh ok, might do another entry then

Oh hey! This image is actually an animation meme, I noticed the link I put in the description isn’t clickable so I’ll put it here

Animation meme

It’s beautiful omg?? The amount of work this must’ve taken 😭love ur tweening sm

Thank you so much!! :D

Working on my last drawing! Good luck everyone :)

Super hyped to see it, I love your style!!


Just realised today’s the last day 😭 I’m really busy today so I hope I have time to finish this

Edit: Done!

How is it being judged? Quality or Quantity?

A bit of both ^^ I judge quality above quantity but multiple entries certainly doesn’t worsen someone’s chances xD

OH BTW the person that made this drawing may end up actually submitting it on their account so delete mine if they do

Hey can you please remove the duplicate? Just sent a new one cause the first one was really dull 

I'm gonna crush and pop this little dragon in my fist but in an incredibly loving way, I love this dragon 

I just gotta say the full of fish drawing you made is genuinely so adorable 

Thank you so much abdbbs 

I was half asleep when the idea came to me so I had to get up and do it 😭

I’m genuinely so grateful I came across this DTA, whether I win or not this design is super fun to draw. I’ve been a HTTYD fan ever since I was 5 years old but somehow never made fanart ever. This DTA alone has taught me nightfury anatomy and digital paintings 😭😭 I can scroll through my entries and even though they aren’t far apart there’s a huge difference

So what I’m saying is thank you for teaching me how to draw nightfuries LOL

Hahah I’m the same! I learnt so much from this experience and I’m very grateful we were able to take part in this! Honestly starting to get extremely burnt out from all this art, but I hope I can continue cause this guy is awesome and I’d love to contribute more for their future owner to enjoy :)

I’ve loved httyd since I was 5 as well and I'm surprised I never made any art of it before now 😂 definitely going to do some more when this is finished

Def gonna enter again cause I love them

Hey your artworks are awesome! Idk how you’re doing so many, I’m struggling over here 😂 

Thank you so much!! Dude when I saw your entries my jaw genuinely dropped, your art is so gorgeous! 

Haha thankyou!! :)

The card you made is literally so cool I can’t get over it 😭😭

Thankyou 😭 I tried to make it look like it was drawn traditionally. It was hard leaving a couple mistakes in there XD

I love your animation!! It’s so cute 😂

Tysm dude!! :D

ooo. I'm so gonna enter for them!!

Working on a painting now, I’m so excited to finish!



Thankyou so much!! I was struggling heaps cause I rarely draw full scenes 😂

Also might do a headshot later, but this killed my brain a bit so it might not be finished for a while

LMAO that’s fair xD

Working on a card for this guy. The writing is taking so long 😂


probably not entering only because i unfortunately don't do DTA's, but wanted to tell you this is a wonderful design and the only NightFury fancharacter that has ever caught my attention haha. Very unique and equally beautiful!

AWWW TYSM MAN :D I also really liked this design, I was gonna keep it but I wanted it to go to someone who’d love them and would make tons of art of them, so I made it a DTA >:D seriously thank you! That’s so kind TwT <33

U know what, I'm a big fat liar. I think I'm gonna have to break my personal rules and enter- Genuinely can't stop thinking about this dude 😭 


I will definitely entry :O ! 

Your entry is so beautiful omg 😭thank you for participating 

Thanks you so much for the chance :3 !

Ooh I'm going to try to enter! How do I share my entry once I finish it? I'm new to TH, still figuring out how it works lol

If you’d like you can send it to me directly on Instagram ^^ I’m LepetyLepet there too

Okay, sounds good!

I'm gonna enter as soon as I finish the drawing I'm working on rn! c:

I can’t wait to see it :D

I will def. Enter this one!! 

The desing if so lovely!!

Thank you so much :D I can’t wait to see what you make ^^

I'm gonna enter a few times when i have time! Love this design :0

Thank you so much :D

Definitely entering!!!!

Your entries are beautiful thank you so much for entering 😭🫶

Thank you!! And np <33

I’m willing to trade this guy if you’re up for it: https://toyhou.se/24805346.faunos

Otherwise you can look at my art examples and I might be able to find time to draw you something :)

That guy is super adorable and I love your art so much!! But unfortunately this is a DTA, and they’re not up for trade :( it’s a lil competition 

Ohhh I thought so cause of the tags, but I saw other people offering and thought I was wrong 😅 sorry about that

That’s fully okay, I understand how it must have been confusing :( they were originally up for offer but I decided to make them a DTA, im sorry! Tbh that character is gorgeous and would have totally accepted if not for it being a dta TwT

Haha yeah it’s all good. I have a lot I need to do, but I might come back for them when it’s all done :)

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Anyone from my ufo folder interest you for them?

No sorry :( thank you for offering tho!! You have some beautiful ocs :D