Sailor Silhouette



8 years, 4 months ago


ouo Anything in blue are links to her refs. Selena was my very first OC I made when I was aroun 8, so gaia avis and the sailor senshi doll maker images are her main references. Also, because gaia doesn't allow me to do so and I was never sure how to explain t, Selena's hair is like a combination of Usagi and Human Luna's. ;o; Hope you come to love her as much as I do

Princess Selenity (Silver Millennium): Meek, humble, and filled with fear, while also plagued with feelings of sadness and loneliness. Though locked away for what she is told for the protection of her twin sister and the kingdom, Selenity still has love and hope in her heart. Sadly, the girl is beat daily, a "solution" for keeping the dark power within her at bay. ((Before being tainted))

Selena Fujikawa: Selena enjoys singing, sweets, and playing video games. She is painfully shy when around new people. However, much like her twin sister, Serenity, she has a huge heart and will risk her life to save a stranger. While she has good qualities about her, Selena is constantly looking over her shoulder and becomes very distrusting of people. She finds comfort in the comany of one; herself.

Sailor Silhouette: When transformed into Sailor Silhouette, the shy and sweet Selena transforms into a confident and arrogant fighter. She believes she can defeat evil on her own, often being proven wrong by being overpowered by her enemy.

Super Sailor Silhouette:  While Usagi was able to transform into Super Sailor Moon due to the power of all the Senshi, Selena was able to transform into Super Sailhouette only after Usagi learned who Selena really was. Her love and desire to protect her younger twin gave Sailor Silhouette the power to transform into Super Sailor Silhouette. When transformed into Super Sailor Silhouette, the shy and sweet Selena transforms into a confident and arrogant fighter. She is more accepting of the fact that she cannot do everything on her own

Princess of the Shadow of the Moon: On the night of the new moon, the dark power that resides within her takes over, turning her into a vengeful bloodthirsty killer. Before she can destroy everything in sight, a small orange dog with a black crescent moon mark and green eyes transports her to the past, to the destroyed moon kingdom, in order to relieve her of her frustrations and release the dark power that builds up inside of her that she cannot contain any longer. ((in this form, her hair is a very light blond))

Eternal Sailor Silhouette: Eternal Sailor silhouette is the opposite of her former self. Though still confident, the sailor soldier holds wisdom and grace. She holds love for both her enemies and her allies. She resorts to destroying the enemy if there is only absolute darkness in her heart.
Her primary source of power is light that shoots from her hands

Selene, Guardian of the Universe: Selena's ultimate form. She transforms into the epitome of grace, love, power, and wisdom. She calls upon the powers of all the planets and stars to aid her. ((She also has a fighting form in this state when the time calls for it))

Princess Selenity (30th Century): The princess of the future is much different than the princess of the past in only one way; she does not hold fear. Her twin sister, Serenity, had always vowed to treat her differently than their mother and promised the younger twin that she would be loved and freed from the cage she grew up in. She fights along queen Serenity if there is danger by using both her powers of light and powers of darkness.
In the future, Selenity's eyes turn to the original blue she was born with as a result of being able to control the dark power within her



Selena Fujikawa

Nickname(s): Sailor Silhouette; Selene, Princess Selenity
Age: 14
Birthday: June 30
Gender: Female
Height: 4'11"
Species: Human
Blood Type: O

Significant Other: Alex Yuuki
SONG: Circles


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Name:Alex Yuuki
Relationship: Boyfriend/Future Husband
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Quote: "I will protect you, and you'll never be alone again!"
Relationship: Enemy
Age: N/A
Gender: Male
Species: Human from Moon Shadow
Quote: "I will break you, and you will be mine again."
Name:Usagi Tsukino
Relationship: Twin Sister
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Quote: "'s sad being alone."

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