Are these still open? 

i have comms temporarily closed due to a medicine change but they will be open again by next week 💞 let me know if you’d like me to get in touch with you when they’re reopened 

hello! could i get a commission of this character with like a garden or kitchen theme for the backdrop? :D

absolutely i can!! i do have a bit of a queue rn so it may be a wait if you don’t mind that though please feel free to dm me here or on my discord at possum.pills so we can discuss payment 💞

hey! yeah im ok with that :D ill message you!

Ooh! Would you like to do trade art? I will do three headshot for one!

hi! i’m prioritizing money rn so i will have to decline, thank you for your interest though!

could i purchase one of these of ? ^_^

yes you can! feel free to dm me here or at my discord possum.pills for more info 🖤

Can I grab one?? 

ofc! feel free to dm me or reach out to my discord at possum.pills to give me more info on what you’d like 💖

Discord add sent!! 

if these are still open I’d love snag one! :>

they are still open! feel free to dm and let me know what you’d like ^ ^

I’d love to grab one if they’re still open!

yes they are! feel free to dm what you’d like 🖤

I would love to get one of these if you're open!!! 🥹

yes i am! feel free to dm what you’d like 🖤