William Blake



4 months, 29 days ago



•  • Name - William Blake

•  • Age - 26

•  • Birthday - 11/28

•  • Pronouns - He/It

•  • Gender - Nonbinary

•  • Sexuality - Bisexual

•  • Affiliation - Port Mafia

•  • Occupation - Lower-ranks | Subordinate


•  • Appearance Description - Will is tall and lean, standing at 6'3. His arms and legs, chest, and back, are covered in pink burn scars, down to the bottom of his hands. His back holds a carving of wings. He has yellow eyes, and long red hair that juts out above his eyes like horns.

•  • Height/Weight  - 6'3

•  • Scars/Birthmarks - Horizontal scar over nose, vertical over left eye, scars in the shape of wings on his back, missing left eye, burn scars all over body.

•  • Other notable features - Horn-like hair and yellow eye.


•  • Personality Description - Will is plagued by voices that he believes to be a higher power. He has mutilated himself because he believes to be Satan, or the "Red Dragon." He often goes into dissociative states where he will maul people to satiate his needs. When he is not during a period of hysteria, he is actually very kind and caring, and will speak kindly and calmly towards children. When not enraged, he speaks with a quiet tone and in an embellished diction.

•  • Likes  - Tigers, ghost stories, rare meats, wine, grapes, making friends. Dislikes: Hot days, being perceived as a "monster", not being able to fly, (edited)

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•  • Backstory - William was mostly, a normal child. He spent most of his days on the schoolyard reading and writing amongst the trees, and tended to isolate from the other boys and girls. He knew himself to be different; and he played with "imaginary friends" much past when was considered to be normal.

When Blake was 12, his family got in a car crash leaving both of them dead and him severely wounded. He saw what he thought to be God that day; but he would later learn that it was the devil. He began to live as a vagrant, and as he matured a beast grew inside of him- "The Great Red Dragon." This dragon told him that they were one and the same, and that he must kill and maim others to stay alive. For a long time, Blake ignored the urges, until he stumbled upon a woman in an alley when he was 16 years old. He mauled her, pulling her limb from limb with strength alone, and that is when the Mafia took note of him. They took him in and raised him to be a killing machine, and also to master his gift. He can be unpredictable, so the Mafia chains him up when he gets back from a job in a frenzy. He lost his eye and gained the facial scars in a mission gone south sent by the mafia.


•  • Relationship Status - Single

•  • Preferred Ships - N/A

•  • Unpreferred Ships - N/A


•  • Ability Name - The Book of Urizen

•  • Ability Description - If Blake touches the enemy, he is able to inflict them with visions of Hell, and with the searing, burning pain of flames and ringing of screams. The ability lasts for the circle belonging to the victim's highest crime, multiplied by the number of times they have done it.

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•  • Ability Weaknesses/Drawbacks - Burns Will's skin as well, and the visions and sound applies to him as well. Causes his left eye socket to seep blood. Can be stopped by knocking him unconscious or "repenting" by surrendering to him.


•  • Writing Sample - The quiet patter of blood dripping on the gravel and the panting of the man were the only thing audible in the abandoned alleyway. He coughed up something, and spit it into his hand- it seemed likely that it was blood, and it seemed more likely that the man was in critical condition.

He didn't notice the girl at all. His delusions made him more of a liability to the Port Mafia than anything. He ran his hands through his hair, sinking his long nails into his scalp, falling to his knees and keeling over, muttering something to himself- something of God.

"Wh-Wha-" gghtkt "What is it, God..!?" He shouted out, holding his head close to the gravel, grinding his sharp teeth against one another. "W-What causes you to commune with me...?"

He stops screaming for a second, and sits up to his knees, his face going white, his blood running cold.

"I will face an opponent soon...? Thank you God...." He clasps his hand in prayer and then pulls a small dagger from his pocket, still sitting on his knees for a second, surveying the area by sound like a rabid animal.