Wip's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

enoyna Global Rules
- feel free to trade/sell any design!!! I don't mind traded designs being sold or sold designs being traded! Just... try not to... overprice? Be fair!
- I heavily prefer my artwork to stay untampered, but if you wish to make edits please keep the original work and upload the edited artwork with indirect but explicit credit to me and the editor.
- As of June 2022, if I gave you written permission before then, you are welcome to use agreed designs for commercial projects & mascot commercial work.
- I am fine with my designs, (NOT the Original Artwork of the Design, but the design itself) being used for: patreon work, artist merchandise, portfolios, and non-commercial projects. This includes all forms of media/art!
- I am fine with my designs being used in nsfw/mature themes. I strongly demand that any character that has nsfw media attached have it erased if the design is passed to a minor.
- If you own a design of mine from any point pre-november 2020 and it has nsfw artwork, please remove it. If you can get into contact with me I am happy to replace the nsfw with new nsfw or sfw work to make up for value loss. Nudity on refs is not nsfw unless suggestive.
- I don't mind people taking inspo from my work, I'd prefer if there wasn't direct ripoffs but I don't monitor/police that stuff. If someone owns a design by me and is uncomfortable with your 'version' of the design, just consider respecting their wishes, I'm not being the judge for that.

If you follow/support any beliefs that harm/take advantage of others (including animals) I'd strongly rather you not own my work.