


8 months, 1 day ago



Quetzalcoatl The Immaculate Guardian


NAME Quetzalcoatl/Inanna/Ishtar

AGE 3000+

BIRTHDAY March 20th


SPECIES Feathered Serpent


JOB Council Member

ORIENTATION Aromantic Asexual

ALIGNMENT Neutral Good

AFFILIATION The Five Headed Dragons

Inanna, or Nanna, is one of the oldest living dragons hailing from South America. She is revered as a combination of Aztec and Mesopotamian goddesses, in which she takes the form of a feathered serpent. Nanna is considered one of the highest authorities in the Five Headed Dragon Council, which overlooks the politics of the European Soiree and landscape, but also holds spiritual authority over Mexico and its neighboring countries. Her biggest role is public relations for the council. She is all-loving towards her followers and the overall good of the people, but is constantly stressed over the nonsense and cruelty of her coworkers. She used to be Hunter Goldblood's mentor and raised him as her little brother for some time; his family is practically her family as well. Nanna carries the weight of the world on her shoulders, trying her very best to keep everyone safe and happy.


Nanna can be a bit of wild card depending on the situation. In times of festivities, she presents a jocular and joyful side to her that would put anybody's guard down. She has a tendency to make light of many problems when she doesn't see a direct consequence towards her loved ones or her followers, so it's easy to say she doesn't take much seriously. Nanna can be a tad bit annoying if she's in a prankster mood, which makes it difficult to get a straight answer from her. When life is good, she will acknowledge just that and relish in the joys of life whenever she can.

However, when Nanna is either being threatened or in business mode, an entirely new side of her comes out. Nanna has a shocking amount of restraint to start, skillfully capable of assessing a situation for the best approach. She is highly rational when it comes to decision-making, though she usually falls back to making sacrifices for the greater good. Nanna can be the epitome of elegance when she speaks with tact and shows the world why she is considered an elder dragon. However, she can be somewhat vengeful and spiteful at times, especially when she and her loved ones are shown disrespect.

  • Traditional Clothes
  • Atmospheric Sounds
  • Bourbon
  • Hot Baths
  • Wanton Violence
  • Disrespect Towards Elders
  • Screenching Sounds
  • Rainy Days

The Feathered One

As the legends claim, Nanna was created in ancient Mexico at an unknown year. She is reported being born as a regular snake in nature until the Maker granted her wish to fly. When that occurred, Nanna transformed into a Feathered Serpent and traveled across the world in an attempt to spread joy to its peoples. She oiriginally had been regarded primarily by the Archaic period of Mesoamerica, but soon had her presence known by the Babylonians in history. Soon, she took on the official name of Quetzalcoatl for simplicity's sake.

Her early years of godhood began with bloody rites. Nanna would bring favor to those who provided bloody sacrifices and granted strength to those favored in war. She used to participate in multiple battles across the globe, but soon grew weary of the pain she had inflicted on the innocent civilians. It wasn't until she met Herthujax Goldblood when she had a change of heart, embracing a life of compassion for her followers. Nanna took Hunter underneath her wings, caring for the man as if he was her own family and even protecting him for the next centuries.

Five Headed Dragon

Nanna continued to grow her prestige across the world as the centuries passed by. She primarily stationed herself in central America as the goddess of good fortune, protecting her people from outside threats. As a result, she was promoted to work along the Five Headed Council for the Europea Soiree as a means of managing global politics. Nanna is currently the council member with the most seniority and provides the most stake in council decisions. However, with the return of the Obelisk Clan, she has to focus on survival between them and these mysterious letters...

  • Nanna, despite being aroace, has at least six children. She has only mated with men who she views as worthy, kind, and intelligent in order to continue the family lineage. None of her children are allowed to ask her for political or monetary favor, so most of them have moved onto working in their respective fields and passions. Will speak to her children and their fathers if contacted
  • Tends to not stay in the same place at any given point. Has multiple secret homes in order to protect herself from assassins
  • Possesses the power to manipulate perceptions- whether about her or others. She used to control this power during her violent ruling era to raise morale, but has stopped using it in sensitivity of her followers' freedom
  • Doesn't actually know her birthday, so Nanna celebrates it as her assigned Holy Day

ABOUT: The Maker

Nanna's creator. The Maker was the one to grant her the ability to fly and possess a draconic form. While Nanna is highly indepted to her creator, the two do not directly interact much anymore. She continues send her prayers and devotion to them, however.


Nanna's servant and confidant. She holds plenty of respect for Enki, and considers his health and safety before hers most of the time. She shares most of her secrets with him- even the ones that Hunter doesn't get to hear.

ABOUT: Hunter Goldblood

Nanna's spiritual brother and student. Adopted him when he was barely a hatchling, Nanna sees him like family. She cares about him deeply and spent most of her life teaching him her ways of being a dragon. While she is disgusted by how he turned out, the two continue to look out for each other and their families. Nanna views him as the reason for being the way she is now and adores him.

ABOUT: The Colorless One

Nanna's colleague and mentor. She deeply respects their authority, looking up to them for advice even to this very day. She will come to them if she needs assistance considering them to holds similar morals as she does. Nanna is appalled by the actions of Hunter towards the Colorless One, and will almost always side with them over the others in any given situation.

ABOUT: Damon Goldblood

Nanna's spiritual nephew. She is somewhat strict with the young dragon, since he tends to be a bit rebellious. However, the two share a jocular relationship at times; tries to look out for him during his screw-ups, but will lose her patience with him if he pushes her. Believes he is destined for greatness if he puts in the effort.

ABOUT: Artemia Goldblood

Nanna's spiritual niece. Views Artemia as the pinnacle of draconic grace; believes she is capable of wonderful things if Hunter didn't breathe down her neck so hard. Tends to be quite lenient on her, since she is much more responsible than her brothers.

ABOUT: Bilal Goldblood

Nanna's spiritual nephew. She generally views Bilal as a bit of wasted potential and is strict on him in an attempt to turn him towards a better path. While she knows he conducts illegal business, she feels he needs to put in the effort to change himself for the better. He definitely gets the worst treatment from Nanna, especially after eloping with Sachie Himuro.

ABOUT: Danajia Goldblood

Nanna's friend. The two were almost like sisters, especially due to Nanna's relationship with Hunter. She misses her almost as much as Hunter, and pays respect for her death every year.

ABOUT: Tatsugami

Nanna's colleague. Believes him to be much too impulsive and emotional for this job. However, she empathizes his plights of criticism and primarily supports him to keep moral high. Feels as though Tatsu should take a break in order to improve his mindset.

ABOUT: Qinglóng

Nanna's colleague. Appreciates his calm-minded nature, especially in such a stressful situation. Usually will share tea with him in order to relax from these meetings and will turn to him should there be a need for sound advice. Enjoys his small servants.

ABOUT: Lysander

Nanna's colleague. Finds him to be too grouchy, but can respect his dedication to maintaining the system of the Soiree. Understands that keeping the social hierarchy is difficult and will not interfere with his beliefs of up-and-coming stars. However, feels he needs to calm down at times.

ABOUT: Lycoris

Nanna's colleague. Does not enjoy her presence in the slightest. Nanna feels as though nobody is safe around Lycoris and her chatter mouth, regardless of how friendly she seems to be. Feels that she is the most frightening of the council due to her presence over the social world.

ABOUT: Javier Palomárez

Hunter's friend. Dislikes him quite a bit. While he seems friendly, Nanna believes that Javier is a bad influence on Hunter and that he is way too ruthless without remorse. Wishes he would leave Hunter alone.

ABOUT: Plumeria Eisande

One of Damon Goldblood's romantic interests. While Nanna has no ill will against her, she believes the succubus is using Damon for nefarious reasons. She hopes the two would separate for the sake of Damon; however, she is willing to not defend Plumeria against negative public opinion.