Pattie/Patricia Castiella (Great Depression)




-Eyes: Silver

-Hair: Dark Brown

Artist Tips

  • Has a birthmark on her left cheek
  • Of course needs her round glasses
  • Round baby face 
  • Has a little hair sticking up

Personality: Nervous alot and had some serious social anxiety issues, can come off as socially awkward.

Likes:  Books, the color blue, wearing bows, animals, flying, loves helping  people!, and making friends (even thought she is extremely shy),  astrology/ stars

Dislikes: Cooking (because she isn’t any good)

Their dream:


She is an extremely shy girl who is a good witch. Wears black like most witches.

Has  had magical talent since she was young. She had some trouble  controlling her power when she feels strong emotions, so she was known  as a jinx when she was younger (but has gotten better at controlling it).


-Has a habit of stuttering


Theme song(s):