


8 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info









Litter 1

Kapugen, Laska

Litter 1 - Grandpups

Nuniq, Sirius, Sitara, Kimi, Desna, Cherokee,

Litter 1 - Great Grandpups

Danshiell, Comet, Daire, Kylo, Sihu

Litter 2

Zaltana, Nastas, Nina, Chenoa (deceased) Abey (deceased)



Born during the winter of the -2nd year
Current Age: 3 years

Mate: Nanook
Pack: Woodland Banes
Rank: Alpha
Pups: Laska & Kapugen
By Laska: Sitara & Kimi

Generation: One

Kanti used to be a nervous type. Since meeting her mate Nanook her life has turned upside down. She'd never thought of herself in any type of leadership position, she was to unsure of herself, always questioning every decision she made. However her love for the handsome Alpha male of the Woodland Banes pack has placed her in a position that forces her to learn leadership. Slowly she is learning how a real alpha behaves, and leads.

Kanti and her sister Raja were lost as pups. Adopted by humans they lived as pets for most of their lives. Kanti always felt there was something she was missing, deciding it was time to find herself she left the comforts of the human world for the wild. She had only been alone for a few days when she met a handsome pair of brothers, Nanook and D'artagan. Nanook a handsome authoritative alpha of a new pack the Woodland Banes, and D'artagan a wolf with a story very similar to her own. Both brothers captured her attention right away, and Kanti found herself attracted to both of them, and caring about both of them.
While torn for many days about her attraction to both the brothers when forced to make a decision to live without one of them, her heart knew which it could not do without. Nanook. This decision pushed her forward to the Alpha female position, a wolf whom had once been a pet, now in charge of other wolves. With Nanook's help she's slowly moving forward, learning to lead and to not be stepped on. She is in a constant power struggle with the Delta female and D'artagan's mate Isobel. Kanti is currently pregnant and excited about the prospect of puppies shortly.
After the birth of her pups Kanti's life was a whirlwind, with Isobel's banishment for her words against Kanti, Kanti became a mother of three extra pups, and then one more pup from a southern pack that was ambushed, by the name Elsu. She has a special connection to all the pups and hopes for their futures.
As all the pups grew Kanti was like a mother to all of them, giving them all she had, but when Isobel tried to steal one of her pups back and accidentally grabbed Laska instead, Kanti was unable to stop her. It was a tramatic time for Kanti, nearly loosing her pup, but Laska grew despite her scars, and Isobel her enemy was killed for her actions. The pups grew into young adults and began to find their own ways, and Kanti longed for more pups, but with the oncoming Whitehound War it was just not possibly. It was at that time Laska saved a Whitehound pup by the name of Aaka, whom Kanti took in as a surrogate mother as she had twice before.
During the war with the Whitehounds two Whitehound warriors entered the welping den, and though Kanti tried to protect Aaka she was knocked unconscious, because of this Soka the new delta female went to save her Alphaess from being killed, but instead the second wolf took one of Soka's pups and killed her. With this heavy burden on her shoulders, and Nanook wanting her to return to her duties she took Aaka to Laska the one who had saved her, but Laska angered by the decision lashed out. Kanti wounded by her daughters words, and so unsure of her own abilities, went to leave the pack for good. Had it not been for D'artagan seeing her and stopping her, she would have returned to her life as a human pet, instead she returned to Nanook's side, nervous for the future but ready to focus on her duties.
Shortly after their falling out her native pack the Ash Grin's lost their healer, and asked the Banes for help. Peta, along with Kanti's daughter Laska both traveled to Ash Grin territory to help in the hard times. Kanti used her time wisely and daily worked on bettering herself and is quickly showing herself as the Alpha her mate always knew she would be, but while Laska was away news returned she had gone into labor. No one knew Laska was pregnant but Kanti could not be stopped she ran to her daughters side, and was proud to find she had two small grandpups, Sitara and Kimi. She and Laska's relationship is slowly beginning to mend.
Kanti and Nanook soon gave birth to a second litter; five beautiful daughters, she felt truly blessed by the gods to have such a large litter. Three of her four girls went away for alliances, and she was quite proud.