Cap'n Cuttlefish



5 years, 10 months ago


Cap'n Cuttlefish/Male/Malamute

When Cap'n was younger, he was the leader of a group called the Squidbeak Splatoon during the Great Turf War. Eventually, the Squidbeak Splatoon came out victorious, and many years later disbanded. Despite the Squidbeak Splatoon being separated, he still kept his eye peeled for any potential trouble the Octarians could cause. As he became older, he could no longer fight the Octarians without his back going out, so he ended up making a new division called the New Squidbeak Splatoon to assist him.

Agent 3:  Agent 3 was one of the first three agents Cap'n Recruited and was particularly easy to train, despite her being slightly stubborn. She took her job very seriously and could take out a bunch of octolings in one go. Cap'n took a lot of pride in Agent 3's strength and power and often took her on patrols in case of danger.

Agent 4: Agent 4 was the only agent Cap'n didn't recruit himself, but rather his granddaughter Marie. However, upon meeting her, he was overwhelmed by the amount of energy she had. He managed to find a way to help her expend her endless energy in her combat, but it was really difficult to train her to do so. She's a handful for him and he often lets Agent 3 handle her instead.

Agent 8: Agent 8 was the first Octarian to show Cap'n any kindness and is his most friendly agent. Cap'n also uses her as a way to settle any tension between any of the other agents. Cap'n often looks to Agent 8 for advice for any social situations and any information on how any of the other agents are currently feeling. While Cap'n looks to the other agents for combat, he looks to Agent 8 for social advice so every conflict shouldn't be settled with violence.