



🌈 [He/They], [Age: 11], [Cirrus/Cloudy] 🌈

A bright and colorful little creature, Cirrus lives high in the clouds doing whatever he pleases
Cirrus is a very energetic and outgoing person, They love getting to go out and meet new friends while spreading good vibes wherever they go!
They love soft colors and anything relating to the stars above, they sometimes go stargazing just to admire their beauty.
Cirrus never leaves the house without his trusty scarf, it was a gift from his late grandmother and he treasures it dearly.

Cirrus has a collection of pastel apparel and starry themed clothing!
They love to make cloud people (think snow men but with clouds instead of snow)
Cirrus lives high in the clouds, close by to where the cherubs live! They get rather shy around them but would love to befriend one someday
Cirrus' favorite season is spring!
They have lots of fluffy hair, so they try new ways to wear it up so its out of their face
Despite being in the clouds often, Cirrus sometimes comes tumbling down scraping up his knees. hence all the Band-Aids
Cirrus loves his friends very much!
