Thelise Crawford



5 months, 6 days ago


Thelise Crawford
Age 26

Gender Female

Occupation Squire

Height 1,67

Species Human

Righteous Altruistic Dependable Loyal Shy

Thelise's personality can best be described as idealistic - she is dependable and loyal, but she trusts her own intuition over blindly following laws. She is shy by nature but has a lot of love for people and is willing to help in any way that she can, despite her usually lazy tendencies.


While growing up in one of the smaller villages in Gilneas, Thelise was captivated by the tales of brave soldiers, fearless knights and fierce dames - who fought for noble causes. These stories planted the seed of her dream to one day have such a story about her own deeds, thus she became determined to follow in the footsteps of these heroes she admired.

Her journey began when she not only found a knight who would accept her as his squire, but one of the very knights from the stories - the knight of roses, who was the second son to the noble family in charge of the lands her village was in. Balthasar Rosehart

Harsh reality was however, that despite her enthusiasm Thelise's journey as a squire was marred by her struggle with her lazyness. While she posesses the skill and the potential to excel, her tendency to procastinate, delegate and avoid hard work has hindered her progress immensely. While many of the squires she met and befriended advanced in their training and ultimately left her behind, Thelise remains a squire even at her age.

Despite her flaws, Thelise remained determined in her pursuit to prove herself as a capable knight and Balthasar never showed any sign of losing confidence in her either.