Commission Prices



4 months, 30 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)


New updated commission prices! Please be sure to read my Terms of Service before commissioning me.


Lined and colour: $15

Minimal shading: $25

Detailed shading: $40



Lined and colour: $25

Minimal shading: $40

Detailed shading: $55



Lined and colour: $40

Minimal shading: $55

Detailed shading: $75


Base Customs

Base price: $15

Full reference: $40


Drawn Customs

Base price: $30

Full reference: $60


Custom Extras

All references come with a left and right view, a headshot, colour palette and up to 3 accessories.


Additional add-ons

-Extra headshot: $10

-Extra fullbody: $30

-Additional accessories: $3-$7 per accessory depending on complexity.

-Major base line edits: $10



References are hand drawn with the same additions as a custom reference.

-Base price: $50



-One colour: free

-Patterns: $5

-Scene: $20

Additional add-ons
-Extra characters +50% fee per character.
-Complex designs: +30% fee for complex features such as additional limbs, wings, markings, complex clothing etc.
-Props: +20% fee depending on complexity

-I offer a 20% discount for people commissioning art of characters I have designed such as adopts or customs.


Terms of Service

By commissioning me you agree to the below terms and conditions.


-Payment through PayPal ONLY.

-Work will not begin until payment is received in full.

-I do NOT offer refunds once work has begun.

-I reserve the right to refuse a commission without a reason.

-You cannot trace/edit my artwork.

-You must credit me whenever my artwork is used.

-You cannot use my art or designs to sell as merchandise.

-If you purchase a character from me, you may edit the design as

long as it is still recognisable.

-Characters purchased from me cannot be sold for higher than

they were bought for unless value is added.

-If you would like a commission type not currently listed or have

any questions feel free to DM me.