are 2c /2e still available!! :0

Hiya, I know this has been up awhile but are they still available to offer on? :)) love the designs btw! 

could i get c4 and f5 for $14?

Is G1 available? :33333333333333333333333333

Looks at u ... ( )

Coming back again !! Could I do e3 for $5 ❤️

sorry for the wait - e3, yes? like the currently undesigned yet or did you mean e2? both r available so its nws just lmk!!

e3 currently undesigned!

A6 for $8?

sorry for the wait!!

since its a preclaim ill be willing to do minor changes aswell <3

You’re okay! is there any way I could hold this until my pay day? It’s okay if not! 

yeah thats okay just lmk when ur paid!!

hello!! are you still interested?

HI i'm so sorry i lost my for a bit and been working a lot, I would still be interested!!

Can I have g6 and d3 for $15?

Sent as goblinschild!

pending! apologies for the wait!!

Accepted! Thank you!

D2 for $5 USD PayPal!

Sent the payment!


Hiya!! Also offering $5 for C1

same link! <3

Sent ❤️

Hi! I sent the money for C1 but never got the toyhouse page for them!

heyo was just busy!! ive got a few cats to upload && send to ppl. ill try to get to it today!!

Checking in again! So sorry if it feels like I'm rushing! 


Could i snag for F1 $8?

they were sold, but theyll have a 'sibling' A6 if you would like a ping for that / i could do a custom for the same price!

oooh yes A6 for $8..that would be nice !! :D

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Howdy! Can I buy B3 for $5?

yep!! && ill transfer them over when its recieved!


May I please request D1 & E1? I can do $15!

yes!! ill get them transferred later today !!!

Sent, thank you so much!

I would LOVE D0 and F0. I can do 15! Edit; AND G2, forgot to include them!!

thatd be awesome!! feel free to send it over to , ill transfer them when its gone through!


awesome!! im busy playing stardew w my partner rn but ill get them transferred today!

I look forward to it, thank you. :)

I can offer a custom, anyone in my marketplace folder for e1 and e0 ( no clue what to call them LOL) (the one above e1

could do an oc for e1 (i think that’s the one i said i liked) 00 off lims !!