


5 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Parvana Sadesh





Star Color



Starbabies is a project that was created and is owned by notbecca


  • Tallish, on the skinny side
  • Drawn with bell/soft triangle shapes
  • Hair: very dark brown
  • Eyes: Hazel (though can be drawn as black) / Red in Star Warrior form
  • Has a mole under her left eye


  • Fairly easygoing and well-adjusted in most circumstances, thanks to a good relationship with her parents and small group of friends (the Star Warrior crew)
  • Has numerous hobbies- mostly nerdy shit (art, hockey, roleplaying, video games, tabletop games, anime, etc.)
  • Jumps to conclusions and often projects her insecurities onto others, which can lead to self-fulfilling prophecies
    • e.g. has a misconception that others will think her interests are 'too nerdy' and assumes no one will want to join in, thus opts out on opportunities for new friendships or connections in anticipation of that
  • Gets competitive about certain activities (hockey, video games)
  • Can be kind of a know-it-all and has picked up a few minorly unhealthy worldviews from being chronically online, as well as (if only secretly) being a total chuunibyou


Parvana's parents are pretty forgiving and support her interests in most every case... except one. Parvana recently found out about something called "LARPing" and it sounded like exactly her kind of activity. She was looking to join a local group in their meetups, but her parents refused on the basis of it being too dangerous, as it was not a school-sanctioned activity and the location was not fixed. Parvana assumed they were being overprotective ("it's not like we'd be using REAL weapons!") or didn't understand the point of it... but like most kids her age, Parvana didn't recognize the dangers that the real world can pose besides the ones a middle schooler can come up with. Rather than talking it over more with her parents, though, Parvana instead drops the issue and decides to sneak out after dark on her own to play out her fantasies... alone, if need be.


  • Allows Parvana to select one of a number of items displayed on a red screen she can summon at will
  • Only one item can be selected at a time, and must be 'used up' before another can be selected
  • The item lasts for a set amount of time before it disappears on its own, whereupon it enters a 'cooldown' period that must be completed before that specific item can be summoned again
  • Parvana starts out with a small handful of different items in her inventory to choose from, but she gains more as she grows in experience and emotional maturity


  • I originally had her as more of an adrenaline junkie, which I deemphasized since it didn't really fit the relationship I wanted her to have with her parents. Originally the parents were supposed to be much more strict, and Parvana was supposed to be rebelling against that. But I thought it would be more interesting if they were largely open and supportive, instead, which led me to tone Parvana herself down. I suppose Parvana isn't NOT still into thrills and such... I just didn't want it to be her entire character, haha.
  • Her powers used to be reliant on an 'item drop' system as a means to replenish usage after battle and determine her arsenal for the next fight. However, I realized powers like that would be contingent on there being tons of monsters to fight/kill, which is not at ALL how the world of this story works... so I tweaked it.
  • Parvana is an only child
  • She has Art Class with Carlos and admires his talent, having signed up for the elective originally as a way to spend more time with her friend. Parvana has since gained a genuine interest in art, herself. She doesn't really consider herself the next Picasso or anything (that'll be Carlos, in her mind); she simply likes the act of making art for its own sake and finds it relaxing. In fact, it's the only one of her hobbies that she doesn't get weirdly intense or too psyched-up about. She gives most of her art away... except for the nerdy fan art.
  • Thinks Babs is kind of... the coolest? In an intimidating sort of way? And that she would make a great character in a fighting game or something. Parvana has even drawn her a few times as insert-characters in her video game/anime fanarts. Babs is the person she'd most like to introduce to LARPing but is terrified of facing rejection from her. Maybe puts Babs on a pedestal somewhat.