Aatos Adaar



5 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Aatos Adaar



Gender, species

Male Qunari


Dragon Age


Aatos, a second generation Tal-Vashoth mage suddenly thrust into the politics of the world with fate somehow always against him

He cares a lot about people and has a hard time deciding between justice vs. mercy. Very friendly, enough so that people often mistake his friendliness for flirting. He also has a tendency to keep his thoughts bottled up and cares more about others' thoughts and feelings than his own. He always wants to feel useful and often goes out of his way to search for people to help.

Physical description:
Tall for a human but normal height for a male Qunari. Grayish but slightly pale skin, intense eyes with bright blue irises. A stubble covers his lower face and his hair is dark, long and is usually in a bun or in a side braid. Horns protrude from his forehead.
Later, after years of intense fighting, he will have gained lots of scars, mostly on his arms but also some in his face.

Mother and Father, deceased.
He also had a father-like mentor during his teens but he died when Aatos was 18.

Significant other(s):
Dorian Pavus and The Iron Bull.

Aatos and his family grew up on the edge of a fairly remote town. The townspeople were never outright hostile but it was clear that their race was obviously a problem for the villagers. They had only lived there for about five years before the incident occurred; when a group of qunari-hostile travelers was going through town, they offered to take care of this offending family. That evening, the Adaar family's house stood in bright flames as a 10-year old Aatos returned from playing in the nearby woods. His parents, murdered, were lying bloody and still on the porch and through the doorway of his home. Stumbling forward, entire face covered in snot and tears, he was hurt by the flames trying to reach his parents. A woman walking by, the person whom the family was closest too in the village, had been summoned by the flames and came just in time to stop Aatos. She took him in for a few weeks, hid him from the villagers until a contact of the mother arrived and took Aatos with him forever.
The contact who took Aatos was another qunari, a former friend to his late mother. The man took him to a qunari mercenary group he himself was part of, and there Aatos grew up. He was taught magic and sword fighting and grew up as happy as he could have surrounded by his own people.
But the memory of that burning night stuck with Aatos forever, and he still gets vivid nightmares about it decades later. It wasn't until he was in his 20s until he manages to summon magic fire and even then it is hardly as controlled as he'd like.

Ongoing story:
After being sent to the conclave by the Valo-Kas mercenary band, he agreed to help seal the breach after the explosion. Saving people was something he'd gladly do, and if taking upon the title of the Heral of Andraste was something he had to do, then he would, his own beliefs didn't matter.
(I have to replay eugh)

Celene remains empress but reigns together with Gaspard and Briala. (maybe? I'll have to replay)
Softened Leliana becomes divine.

+ fashion
+ art (doesn’t do it himself though)
+ reading
- traitors
- people who hurt others for sport 

+ caring
+ friendly
+ powerful mage
- materialistic
- petty
- obsessive
- doesn’t share personal thoughts and feelings 

* He specializes in ice and rift magic.

* Varric's nickname for him is "Frosty".
* He's a mage supporter. He thinks that they do need education to control their magic but the circle is not the right way to do it.
* He's an idealist and stands for peace and equality.

* Hufflepuff, ISFJ
* His birthday is (irl calendar) 29th of September. He's a Libra.

* Faceclaim's a mix between Daniel Sunjata and Martin Sensmeier??
Screenshot dump