while i do like the chow, i dont really want to be involved in any more CS's than i already am ;w;
And while the money/art offer is nice, i would much prefer trades for the character πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ

do you accept three way trades?

im not opposed to them, but i've also never done one so i'm not sure how they work ^^"

I try to find any characters for trade that you like and I offer for them to trade it with you basically!


Circuit is super cute!Β 

Would you take a chibi for them?

I dont think i would unfortunately 😭sorry!

Dont worry! Thats totally fine! Thank you for the reply <3!

Not sure if you want comments here or on the individual characters, so I hope here is alright!

I love https://toyhou.se/12034137.hazard and https://toyhou.se/4734735.ninnie! I immediately thought of stories for both of them, so know they will be used if accepted! I have a fairly quick turn around time, so I should be able to get these to you within the month, even if both are accepted! The only character I may have trouble drawing from ur tag is Prism, but everyone else I think I could draw! I would be happy to add or change art if you would prefer something else!

For https://toyhou.se/12034137.hazard I can offer:
- 4 shaded halfbodies [ example ]
- 4 shaded big icons [ example ]

For https://toyhou.se/4734735.ninnie I can offer:
- 4 shaded halfbodies [ example ]
- 4 shaded big icons [ example ]

More art examples can all be found here: https://kingsillystudios.carrd.co/Β 

I'd have to think for Ninnie since i'm way more connected with them (leaning towards a no), but I can definitely take that offer for Hazard!

For the Halfs:

For the Icons:

Couldn't think of who I wanted for all 8, so if there's a character you want to draw that I didn't specifically link, you can happily draw them! Otherwise I can pick out the rest for you if you rather I choose the last two, just let me know! πŸ‘

Great thank you so much! I'll have these to you soon!

Here are the icons! Working on halfs next, hoping to get everything done before the end of the month :3


WAHHH They look so awesome!! Excited for the rest!
Also, if you have instagram, what is it so I can transfer their masterlist credits to you? (Not mandatory, but figured i'd ask beforehand)

Ty! And my insta is KingSillySmilez!Β 

Sorry I’m a bit confused! Did you mean to send Hazards character transfer now? I’m not finished with the art yet!

I did! didn't knwo when you'd want it transferred, and i trust you enough to finish the rest 😁
You can choose to accept it now or wait until the rest is done to accept, it's up to you πŸ‘

1 Replies

All done! I had some trouble with Fandom's fur patterns but I think I got there in the end, lmk if theres any issues! I also added some text to the splatoon mars image, just says "Mars" and "MechaMars" under it :3


The sillies!!! Thank you so much space I love them πŸ’–