Leaf Tiger's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Kainaa Global Rules

You may edit designs by me. You may edit the drawing I gave you.
You may do major edits on the design, if you'd like you may change the credit to be partially created by you, that is fine. I need to remain as the creator or designer (one or other.) 
I prefer on your reference chart of the character to say "Designed by Kainaa" or "Originally designed by Kainaa" but this is not absolutely required, and I will not be enforcing this.

I prefer you keep the tags I put on the character I designed, but this is not absolutely required, and I will not be enforcing this.

You may sell a design you got from me for the price you paid, unless you drew/bought art, then you may sell it for the combined cost. You may trade these characters as well.

Do not sell characters you got from me in a trade unless you drew art/bought art. Then you may sell it for the cost of the extra art only.

If you got a character from me as a gift, same rules as trade. (Unless I specified that you are allowed to sell as a part of the gift).

Any questions, please ask :)