


5 years, 10 months ago


Name:  Dark

Gender: Male

Species: DarkHybrid

Age: 270

Stadus: Single- not really looking 

Personality: Quiet, tends to keep to himself. Willing to make friends of sorts but tries not to get emotinally attached to anyone 

Bio;    Dark was born from a dragon. Dude to his father finding such a beast would be perfect for his son. After Dark was born his father had decided to move on and leave, going off to find others to spread his DNA too. for more off springs. Of course leaving behind a heart broken dragon, alone with a single child. One who reminded her constantly about the man who left her. In the beginging she was a kind mother, one who loved and charashed her beloved son. But the more he grew up the more he looked like his father. And what is what she dispised. Still broken hearted she turned to a life of uninnocents. Spending her days, getting with any man she can. Also spending days of drinking alcohol. Not much careing for the young Dark. Leaving him to care for himself and try to survive on his own. Hard to do when his mother constantly started to abuse him the older he got. His mother's hatred for him grew and all he did was try to, make her happy. He wanted to be a good son. But soon the day came and Dark was old enough to leave for good, and venture out and away from his now horrible mother. After leaving home. Dark now roams around and explores the world, letting himself shut his emotions down and no longer wanting to truly feel. Makes it easier to move around a lot when you have no emonal ties with anyone.