🇫🇷 | Jean-Michel's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

doublefool Global Rules

The following applies to all designs made by me.

- Once you get the design, you may do anything with it that constitutes as personal use

- Do not use my designs for commercial use unless otherwise stated

- Do not claim my designs as your own

- Do not use my designs if you don't own them or without permission from the owner of the design - you may get inspired or colorpick from my designs, though

- Please credit me whenever you use my designs

- You may edit the original art of my designs

- You may co-own my designs with somebody else

- Do not use my designs or art to train AI art generation models

- I have the right to use the images of the original artwork I have made of my designs in art portfolios and etc.

(last updated: 9 June 2023)