Former lesbians (Phillipe M'Pantes)



6 years, 3 months ago


Also known as blackberdia and Phillipah

-Phillippe mepanties was the thoter's fourth (full) child and created basically all the life in the world. She was placed by destiny and was supposed to impede the thoter's hoe-ly liquids into each life but after creating so many lives decided she was a he and was basically thrown out of the family circle and all future cuntventions (meetings in which they discussed things). Sad, Phillipe basically left everything he had created with the gift of Clarence which had a completely different mindset then all the other creatures who were just pretending to be christian because of Phillipe but were actually hoeing with the rest of 'em and so when given clarence they banished her thus leading to her storyline in DND.


In reloaded Phillipa (back before he came out of the closet) was the best gangster. Dildonia and Rasputina looked up to him and relied on his cut throat business stratageis to keep them afloat. Some even claim that before he retired he was the sole owner of Thoter inc and that proabbly wouldn't be far from the truth.

He came out as trans, however, and got kicked out of the family business under the title that he 'retired'. Dildonia and rasputina are running things fine but they still like to reminiscent over the good old days when he was around.


In highschool, he's not out of the closet-literally considering he's the janitor.