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Hii! S0rry f0r th3 lat3 r3sp0nc3!! Can i hav3 lik3, a chibi and a cust0m? I r3ally lik3 y3r art!! ^^

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C00l b3ans! D0 y0u hav3 disc0rd s0 its 3asi3r t0 m3ssag3 back and f0rth?

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Thats 0k, i d0nt hav3 3ith3r, but i can w0rk with just using t0yh0us3 if thats 0k with y0u!

1 Replies

I could offer any of the ocs in my ufo folder for D5? :3 (excluding eo)

Im s0rry but i didnt s33 any0n3 ^^;