Angeline Granger



4 months, 23 days ago


Angeline Granger / Female / 24 y.o.

| "This half corpse can't guilt."
Feeling the constant need to prove her own strength Angeline started her first occupation as a nurse at Sainte-Anne Hospital. After getting her hopes up through an reconnection with her childhood passion she was ready to go against anything that can await there. Her encounter with the peculiar staff was a begging of her alternative lifestyle, that introduced new was to feel confident in her own body. Of course for a certain price.


  • NAME - Angeline Granger

  • D.O.B. - 02/12/1926

    -Currently 24 years old.

  • NATIONALITY - French

    -Born in France with both parents being French.


    -Up to this moment she has never been in any romantic relationship.


    -Currently not married.

    -Currently no future plans regarding marriage.

  • OCCUPATION - Nurse

    -Works as a nurse in Saints Annes Hospital.

    -Mostly serves as a caretaker and manages radiography.


    -Her voice is sympathetic, whiny and mawkish.


| First face
In the face of the world, Angeline is an energetic person trying to connect with everyone she encounters. She sometimes doesn't know her limits, appearing too intrusive. It's easy to notice that despite that she's usually open and humble. Many peoples initial impressions on her is she lives by her colorful thoughts, frequently seeing things better than they are.

| Second face
Whoever is closer to Angeline can view her attempts to connect with others as a result of her isolated life, seeking acceptance and understanding. Despite her experience with individuals in her life, she still remains cheerful and looks for the best in people. She desperately tries proving herself as she cares about others opinions, perhaps too much. Angeline doesn't experience deep empathy towards people proven guilt, even if they are her relatives. In moments of her weakest self-confidence, she tends to act harashly, seeking the feeling of worth through controlling others.

| True face
Angeline struggles to recognize her own worth and find her place where she could feel right. She knows the feeling of being treated differently and alienated too well, turning to hopeless methods to appeal to others. Her harsh out view on justifying brutal punishments for doing wrong things help maintain balance in the most efficient way - through fear supports her common behavior of trying to gain power over others, to literally prove her smallest worth. Angeline wants to be strong and self-sufficient but struggles to find a proof of her own worth. The people she considers to be her closet are the ones that make her feel not judged and free to express herself.

| "Shattered glass, shattered rib."
Angelines appearance changed rapidly in her life as she was never certain about the way she wants to be seen by the outside world. Angeline would take inspiration from people she looked up to. Currently, she is capable to be more free with her appearance, hoping to present herself properly. She seeks strenght in her looks. She likes to include vivid colors and modern patters to reflect that.


  • HEIGHT - 172cm

  • WEIGHT - 60kg

  • FACE - Triangle

  • EYES - Hooded, grey

  • BUILD - Skinny

    -Her parents picky food selection when she was growing up affected her diet choices as an adult.

  • SCARS/INJURIES - Removed left eye

    -Had her right eye removed after suffering facial trauma in her childhood.

| Design notes

• Her eye patch is usually NOT on her eye.

• Her camera is optional.

• Angelines has freckles on her face, arms and a few on her legs.

• Her camera can be placed in the case when not used.

• Please keep her face shapes like in the reference, especially her eyes and nose.

• That hairstyle is held by a lot of hairgel...

The hat isn't flat, folded at the back with the veil sewn to it.
Cross desing (arrow like shapes at the ends)
Keychain with basic tools isn't optional.(Can be moved to another side)
Long, bright purple gloves on both hands.

Reference link

| "Mangled hearts stitched with leather."
Angeline is often loud and talkative, keeping her impression as an outgoing person. She is open to see things truly the way they are but struggles to accept people talking critically about her. Angelines virtuous are oriented about equality of everyone to get judged purely based on their actions but she doesn't hold herself back to any morals in a moment of desperation. Angeline accepts fewer moral methods to remain order as shes oriented to do everything to keep things her way.


  • • Photography
  • • Logical thinking
  • • Learned to sharpen her other senses to compensate her limited vision
  • • • Perfect and consistent handwritting
  • • Administering contrast media
  • • Landscapes
  • • Impacting others lifes
  • • Newspapers
  • • Meaningful work
  • • Modern medicine
  • • Beign sick
  • • Fast paced life
  • • Studying
  • • Getting treated diffrently
  • • Narcissism
  • • Exploring
  • • Photography
  • • Learning new things
  • • Writing in her diary
  • • Following news
  • Moral alignment
  • Favorites
  • FOOD - Crepes

    -"They go well with anything!"

  • DRINK - Soda

    -"I might not drink it often but it always brightness up my mood."

  • POSESSION - Her camera

    -"To save these fleeting moments."

  • SCENT - Lodoform

    -"It brings me sense of comfort. "

  • FLOWER - Dahlia

  • BOOK GENRE - Fantasy

  • MUSIC GENRE - Rock and roll

  • Peaceful
  • Leader
  • Confident
  • Empathy
  • Honest
  • Impatient
  • Curious
  • Forgetful
  • ZODIAC SIGN Aquarius ♒︎︎

  • DEADLY SIN Wrath



| "No anesthetic, lay your pace."
Angeline sees most of the people in her like as merely pawns in a game, either against her or with her. The closer ones to her start to appear to her differently, as she gains a vision on them as a someone more. That trust and bond she tries to build with practically anyone can be easily broken however, by just slightly stepping away from the way Angeline sees someone. Despite that she tries her best to create and maintain a relationship that will be stronger that any previous one.


  • FATHER - Raimond Granger

    - Angeline was always looking up to her father as a kid, and he was the one that got her interested in art.


| Childhood
Angeline quickly became her fathers the apple of his eye. He always was very close to her but after the accident he developed into more of a guard than a parent and in an attempt to stop the unavoidable his influence became oriented around restraining his daughter from anything that he deemed dangerous. And the outdoors and the art.

  • MOTHER - Fleur Granger

    -The person whom Angeline sought comfort and understanding from.


| Childhood
ngelines mother always tried to be there for her daughter, both emotionally and to protect her. However having a lot of respect towards her husband when he was around she acted supportively about his strong control. Thus, when it was just Fleur and her daughter, she tried to be more a friend than a mother.

  • FRIEND - Adam Nicollier

    - Angeline's penpal. Always found help through his writing.


| Teens
The person that felt more like her family than her actual one. Angeline felt like she had a brother in him that she could endlessly talk with about anything in her life. She wishes to reconnect with him once again despite limited knowledge about his identifiable information. Sometimes her diary entries are written as if they were letters to Adam.

  • CO-WORKER - Clémence Lavigne

    -Despite Angelines sometimes being too personal they usually keep their relation positive.


| Present times
Clémence and Angeline during their first encounter had a mixed relationship, not able to get along. That changed quickly as soon as Clémence and Angeline realised that they had an ally in each other. Despite having different goals, they were on the same path, knowing they can seek help from the other person.

  • FRIEND - Dolores Chevalier

    - Despite them not getting a chance to interact with each other Angeline sees Dolores as a friend.


| Present times
Angeline has an idealised view on her co-worker but that doesn't stop her from seeing an reflection of herself in Dolores. Despite getting mixed information about how Angelines co-worker is in private she experiences a sense of hope from knowing she might not be alone.

  • CO-WORKER - Judy Carlier

    - Judys open personality let Angeline actually know a bit more about everyone in the hospital.


| Present times
In the begging Angeline was positively surprised by how open her co-worker intentions were, feeling welcome in this strange hospital. Judy started letting on more detailed and less positive secrets of their work which first came as a shock to Angeline but slowly settled down overtime.



| Summary
       Angeline was raised by adventurous parents as an only child, traveling frequently. Her parents artistic spirit made her interested in photographu.
       Sudden accident left Angeline with a left eye surgery and her parents becoming overprotective, causing Angeline to struggle with her limited vision and loss of passion for photography. She found solace in a penpal. Despite her changing life, she maintained contact with her penpal until suddenly she stopped receiving response. Her attempts at reconnecting with a person she didn't knew outside of letters was unsucefful. This setback led her to save her thoughts in a diary. While facing challenges and feeling misunderstood by others, she persevered and secured a job as a nurse.
       This newfound confidence even reignited her passion for photography. As she embarked on this new chapter in her life, she remained unsure of what the future held but was optimistic about the possibilities that awaited her in her new role.

| Childhood
       Angeline was raised by both parents as the only child. When she was a little kid, they used to travel a lot due to both her mother and father begin adventurers. Seeking inspiration took them to many towns in France. Their artistic spirit brought passion of photography to their daughter. Living a life like this made Angeline very careless in the matter of serious topics.
      Both of Angelines parents never planned to have more kids thus Angeline would perceive her mother and father as closest people in her life. Naturally because they were a family. But equally impactful was their lifestyle that didn't let their daughter to get along for longer than a bit with other kids her age.
       They led a peaceful, until the family of three got involved in an accident. It left Angeline with left eye trauma, causing her to get it surgically removed. Her parents were also involved which lead to Angeline's getting taken care of by the hospital staff for over a few months. Over time she and her family made a full recovery but since then she always was able to connect themes of hospitals with comfort and safety but also introduce to her topics of dangers of the outer world at a very fast pace.

       After the incident her parents became more cautious, picked a place to stay and started begin overprotective over their daughter. Adjusting to new reality and limited vision was hard to Angeline, resulting in losing passion and what it seemed to her, ability to take photos. for a young person it was devastating and felt like an important part of her just got locked away, taking her freedom with it. It took her many years to fully accustom her drastically changed situation and was only able to achieve it by locking it away in her mind rather than addressing the issue.

| Teens
      During that time she found making new relationships hard but she risked it and opened herself to a penpal. They shared a lot with each other but kept their relationship light. This activity always brought copes to her struggle as writing and then receiving something back was a solid way to feel connected with someone. As time went on and her life changed she still kept in touch with him until one day she stopped receiving responses.

       At first she tried convincing herself that its just a break and things will go back to normal but time went on and having no chances or reaching back she gave up, assuming he got too busy with his own life he often mentioned in his letters even through something at the back of her head assumed the worst happened to him. It was another event in her life that took her quiet a bit to get back on the legs from, desperatly trying to not lose this relation. Not wanting to completely give up writing she began to note her thoughts in a diary.

| Young Adult
       As she grew, she picked medicine as her education major. It came as a surprise to her parents but they agreed to it, hoping it will be a help to gain traits of a neat freak. After many years of adjusting to her sight she was not falling behind during training and ended up finishing her school but it came to her attention that some treated her more like a little kid that needed assistance rather than a normal person. Causing Angelina to feel distant with others and insecure about her looks and her skills. She loved medicine and felt strong in it but seeing others apporach her as someone that would need help with anything made her feel like achievements weren't trurly hers.

| Young Adult
      Even through with discourage from her parents that expressed their will for their daughter to find a job nearby their home location Angeline applied for as many locations, even those distant to increase her chances. Angeline getting employed was a huge step towards her way to regain confidence and even brought her enough encourage to try using her old camera she found when preparing to leave. It came to her as surprise that she was still able to enjoy using it. With this uplifting discovery she left her home to her first job as a nurse in a private hospital, unsuspecting what might await for here at that location, perhaps not like what she imagined.


- Click the image to view the artist and other info!

Full gallery


1. Crystal Castles - Love and Caring
2. Akira Yamaoka - Letter From The Lost Days
3. Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know
4. Caravan Palace - Rock It For Me
5. RICEWINE - Photo
6. Caravan Palace - Moonshine