


5 years, 10 months ago


Name: Dania of House Loredana

Age: 24

Species: Dog

Breed: Norwegian lundehund

Height / Weight: 5”3// 120 lbs

Class: Squire


Weapon: Garrote Wire


Total « 25

STR « 4 (+1)

DEX «6

DEF «5

MAG «4

AGI «6

Strengths / Weaknesses:

    +Acrobatics-Dania having been raised in a traveling circus, excels in acrobatics. She adapted what she’s learned into her fighting style so it’s the most effective for her.

    +Reflexes- They are especially quick. Given all the years she spent flinging herself through the air on various contraptions she better have speedy reflexes.

    +MacGyver- Super crafty when she needs something on the fly.

    -Poor comprehension skills- She has trouble reading and writing at times.

    -Hemophobia- Fears seeing only her blood, anyone else and she’s fine.

    -Size- She has a small frame which has its benefits but it's also her downfall.

+Creative, sociable, confident.

    -Impish, irresponsible, Quick tempered.

Dania is pretty comfortable being who she is around pretty much anyone no matter how familiar they are. She wouldn’t think twice about letting her playful nature show, even if it can get a bit inappropriate. She quick to have tempers flare but also quick to let go of any anger under the belief that it’s bad to hold your emotions in.


Dania was born into a family of entertainers- a group of canines who felt they needed to liven up the dark atmosphere that had overtaken the Capital while the war raged on. House Loredana started as a small couple who wanted to make a difference- and slowly it grew. The pair picked up homeless individuals who also wanted to do more- to do better with their life.. the small troupe got larger and larger until the name was known! Providing entertainment for the many families and children who wanted to escape the doom and gloom for an evening proved to be quite.. profitable!

Dania was the firstborn of the pair who started the traveling act and immediately fell into line with her parents. The entire troupe was her family and everyone was more than ready to dote on the young girl.

She felt lucky, really, growing up around the excitement and joy of her House, but as she grew older the more aware she became to the world around her. To the war around her. She had been there to put smiles on the faces of many other pups across the Capital.. and now she wanted to do more to help her family and her city by enlisting. While it encroaches on the time she spends with the troupe- she knows she can find a balance between the two.

Likes / Dislikes:


    +Sewing, cause she needed her stage costumes to be flashier which also contributed to a more flashy everyday wear.

    +Dancing of course.

    +Being up high, it’s pretty relaxing for her since she was raised pretty much dangling from the big tops supports.

    -Oversleeping, she hardly ever stops moving and doesn’t want to waste her time sleeping.

    -Anyone cuter than her…


    -She doesn't like it when people cry, her job is to literally make people happy.


-Is Dyslexic

-Her clothing style is fitted and minimal cause she hates to be restrained.

-Will ask anyone taller than her to carry her/or just climb them if she knows them well enough

-More will be added~