Pepper Jack Blitz



4 months, 11 days ago


Name: Pepper Jack Blitz

Nickname(s): Pepper, Pep, Pepper Stepper (by Cheese)

Parents: Rainbow Dash and Cheese Sandwich

Siblings: Hornet Havoc and Beetle Blaze (Dash); Pinch of Love; Bluebell Cheese (Cheese)

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality and Gender:Ā Pansexual Cis Male

Significant Other:Ā Showstopper

Pepper Jack was both of his parentsā€˜ first child and he ultimately feels their relationship fell apart because of his existence. Rainbow was always nervous to be a married mare and an active parent while she was heavily involved with the Wonderbolts, and Cheese was also in love with his own career but had more opportunity to involve their son than Dash did because Pepper was born an earth pony, not a pegasus. After a while both of his parents grew apart and amicably divorced, citing 75% custody to Cheese and 25% to Dash as part of their agreed custody terms.Ā 

When it comes to Dash, Pepper is often the forgotten child, with Dash forgetting quite a few weekends when it was her turn to have Pepper. Itā€™s not long before Cheeseā€™s sugarcoated excuses for why Dash wasnā€™t coming again made him realize that he wasnā€™t Dashā€™s priority. Heā€™s barely spoken to his mother since, and became intensely jealous and deeply hurt when Dash remarried Pharynx and had twins with him. Outwardly he brushes it off, but inwardly the child inside him wonders why the picture perfect family she has with Pharynx couldnā€™t have been him and his dad.

Pepper is quite pessimistic a lot of the time and bottles up a lot of his issues because he feels like talking about it wonā€™t help, the damage is done and the bridges are burned. It takes him a long time to open up to new ponies after the pony he trusted the most took his trust and stomped on it, but he does have a few friends who managed to push through his stonewall. He does genuinely care about the ponies heā€™s grown close to and always makes it a point to fight for them no matter what.Ā 


Pepper Jack hasnā€™t been close to Rainbow Dash in a long time. Sheā€™s tried her best to reconnect with him multiple times as heā€™s gotten older, but heā€™s always given her the cold shoulder. She feels an unfamiliar sting when he tells her to ā€œgo worry about her perfect familyā€¦ā€

Pepper Jack adores his father immensely. Cheese was always a constant within his life and Cheese is ultimately Pepperā€™s rock. He may get a little embarrassed with Cheeseā€™s dad jokes and bad puns, but he knows his dad is always aiming to put a smile on his or anyponyā€™s face. He hopes one day he can smile as bright as his dad.

Pepper loves Maud like sheā€™s his actual mother. Maud has been around Pepper more than Dash was, therefore he actually calls Maud ā€œMom.ā€ Sometimes he confides in Maud feelings that he doesnā€™t want to share with his dad and sheā€™s never once made him feel like he canā€™t talk to her. Despite her stoicism, sheā€™s made a positive impact on his life.

Pepper has only met Dashā€™s twins a handful of times. He is very indifferent of them and has no real opinion, but is very jealous they get to experience having Dash be a real mom. He wouldnā€™t dare say that to them, though, as heā€™s mature enough to know his problem lies with his mother and himself and itā€™s not their burden to bear.

Pepper keeps in touch with his younger sister, Pinch of Love, very often and makes it a point to visit her when his dad does. He and Love find common ground in the fact theyā€™re both kids of failed relationships and sheā€™s someone that Pepper can genuinely open up to. While Love canā€™t understand his whole struggle, she empathizes with him whenever heā€™s vulnerable and makes sure he knows heā€™s loved. Love jokes that itā€™s almost like sheā€™s the big sister, and he knows she does this to make him laugh.

Pepper isnā€™t as close to Bluebell as he is with Love, but he still makes an effort to be involved in her life. They have a significant age gap but he cares about her and he often divulges in her antics and listens to her happily ramble about her finite interests. He hopes sheā€™ll shoot for the stars someday.

Pepper is in love with Showstopper, Zephyr Breezeā€™s son. Show is loud, proud, and full of confidence- to some ponies he may be absolutely full of himself and overconfident, but to Pepper heā€™s perfect. They are an official couple and have a very healthy relationship. Theyā€™ve been friends since primary school when Pepper stood up for Show when he was being bullied for his weight. Many times they built each other up after something had torn them down. Show is very affectionate to Pepper and heā€™s just a big softie for his little (but older than him) boyfriend. Pepper sometimes travels with Showstopper when heā€™s staking out new plus size friendly spots or just wants to get away for a while.