

5 months, 15 days ago



There are scarier things in the world than Bhaal, six-year-old Medora first learns that winter, when the cold settles in and the days grow shorter and darker, and the snow piles up on the windowsills. Sceleritas brings her a mouse the first time, and Medora's holds it up by its tail and watch as it twirls. The second time, she lets Sceleritas show her how to pull its head and feet off while it is still alive and kicking. She likes the way the body twitches. She likes the tiny, terrified sounds that it makes, like a squeaky door swinging back and forth, back and forth, until at last it stops and the air is quiet, and she can hear the faint buzzing of the flies on the curtains. 

The next night, Sceleritas shows her how to do the same thing with a small rabbit, and she does it, even though her hands are shaking, even though the rabbit's heart is beating so, so fast as she twists its neck. And there is no going back now. It's easy, after the first time. It's fun, even. And it's so easy to pretend that it is someone else's hand that is pulling the head off of a kitten, or holding the mouse by the tail and watching it swing, or snapping a rabbit's spine. It is so, so easy, when you can just step back, and look away, and see what you have done through the eyes of another. 

She's good at it, too. 

And that is why, the first time Orin sneers at her, calls her "weak" and "a little girl", says that she isn't worthy of her father's name and pushes her into the dirt, her reaction is not rage. It is not even fear. Instead, her heart beats faster, her hands clench into fists, and a cold smile comes over her face. Medora laughs. There are scarier things in the world than Bhaal, or Orin, or a little blood on her hands. 

Medora has always had an imagination. That is what makes this fun. 

So the first time she sees a bird on the ground, wings broken, its head twisted almost all the way around, she imagines that it is Orin. When she watches the flies buzz around the rabbit's open wounds, she wonders what it would be like to do that to Orin, to take a knife and cut her open and let the flies come. To hold a torch over her, to let the flames lick her skin. It would be fun, to do those things. She wants to do them. She wants to know what it feels like to hold someone's life in your hands and squeeze until their neck breaks, until their screams stop. Daddy's girl, she thinks, and smiles, because she's a better daughter than Orin could ever be.

Bad mom, like the worst.
"My father is the worst man alive, and i am his favorite daughter"