Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

I have no filter, and I swear a lot.

I live by  a "Do no harm, but take no shit." And "Live and let live" philosophy. I don't tolerate people's shit. If you come to give me shit, I will gladly show you the door and make sure it hits you on the way out. If you come to just chit chat and hang, I am insanely chill.

As long as no real people are hurt, I don't give a crap what you are into.

I don't have a DNI list, but MAPs, pedophiles and abusers will be blocked.

Assholes will also be blocked. Life is too short to take people's bullshit.


Some of my characters and stories can cover some very dark and mature themes. If you don't like that, you don't have to look. Many of my characters have been through terrible trauma, and their backstories delve into all sorts of different dark topics. 

I enjoy monsters, aliens, mythical creatures, dragons, and eldritch things. Some of these designs may look feral or semi-feral. All feral looking characters in my gallery that appear in any adult content are fully sapient with the mental capabilities of a healthy adult human. If you don't like that, don't look. Anybody trying to harass me because I like monsters will simply be ignored. I have quite well mastered the art of not giving a shit. Don't like what I draw? There's a magic x that will close the tab, problem solved. It is up to you to curate your own experience. It is not my responsibility to cater to snowflakes.

TL:DR, Some of my characters are more feral, but everything I draw in any sort of adult situation passes the Harkness test! 

1: Does it have human intelligence?
2: Is it capable of informed consent?
3: Is it visually and mentally an adult?

The answer to all three is ALWAYS yes in any art I draw or fave. Always.

Any harassment, abuse, or unnecessary rudeness will be deleted and the sender blocked. I won't even dignify you with a response. Go ahead, waste your time. Blocking you is no effort on my end.

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No thanks!