


4 months, 23 days ago


Feetti is a cute little ad, but seems to quickly have developed big clawed feet. This development scares him, and even moving his own toe will startle the little man.
He can't walk very well with them and refuses to stand up on them, often sitting and pouting.
Even with encouragement, his claws get tangled in soft things and his feet are just too big! He don't like it!
He loves to be carried, and will cling with his claws. He's REALLY good at holding on, and has a strong grasp. He seems well insulated against the cold as well.

Hard to say what he will grow up selling as an adult, but most likely his talons will get sharper.

Feetti grows up to make his own cooler system that works on water bottles, cups, coolers, and other things! In fact it becomes rather popular and he has become rather wealthy from it!
He likes to use a yeti design on what he produces, and is proud of his accomplishments. He also promotes living a healthy lifestyle and becoming a rather muscular ad. He's a kind guy, and even calls himself "chill" and laughs about it. Seems he has some frosty powers!

As a virus, he becomes a big yeti like creature that will cause frost to gather on the area he's around. This form comes from aggravation and pent up feelings that burst out into a round ball of fuzz on legs. He doesn't rely on his ice powers in this form, and would rather kick and stomp the crud out of those who irk him.
While in a rage, he seems to attack wildly unless it's a close friend or family member. Upon seeing them try to approach, he will run. His stamina is amazing and he can run for miles and miles. Upon using up all the energy and rage fading, he will turn back into his "normal" ad self.
Ad adjacent self.